My favourite computer games

hi its McKenna and Miller we are going to be talking about our favourite computer games are …………………..,..

  1. Fortnite because I like all of the diffrent skins.
  2. GTA 5 because there are hundreds of cars.
  3. call of duty because you can play tons of game modes



The Humongous stormmmmmm!!!😭😱😱

Hello it is McKenna and Nancy and we will be talking about the humongous storm last Friday! My greenhouse got destroyed. 😭😭😭. My shed crumbled😭

We all stayed off school and I went outside and nearly got blown away!!!🙀🙀!!

My Dad saw man building a shed and during the storm it got destroyed and half of it blown away!!


My Holidays

In the Christmas holidays I went to my uncle David’s  house and me and my sister spent boxing day there because my younger brothers were at my mum and dads house and we want to the pub in Lincluden called the abbey inn and we played pool and Payton won and we styed for a bit and we went (we went house about 11am )

all of my favourite presents where my are up  and my shoes.


Bay mc


Hi is McKenna.

On big Thursday we are doing p.e(basketball)in p.e we have  (Miss sonerville) for P.e we are doing dribbling ,shooting gemes and we are lerning to dribble faster. 


Bay McKenna

Hello Mrs Jardine

I will be telling you about my book.

My book is called Mistletoe and Murder it is such a good book.

About my book….                                                                                                                                     It is about a girl called Daisie Wells   who visited a hotel for a week but she lives with her dad. She has a best friend called Hazel Wong and together they solve murder mysteries.

I will update you more next week

Bye Mckenna


Mine and Millers holidays.

Hello it is McKenna and Miller.

[McKenna] I went to my nana's house and stayed the night.
Next I went to a zoo and I seen lots of animals I went with my 
and we painted.

[Miller] I went to a swimming pool in Crocketford and it had lotsts
of flootees and footballs. after that we went to McDonalds and
it was delicious. me and my brother shared 20 chicken nuggets.



Sports day.

Hi  my name is Isla G.

I am going to be toking about sports day

I came 3th in the runing race and that is all I got in the races

we did the running racse ,sack ,monkye ,sidling and the sciping races



By Isla G

gala day


It was Gala Day on Friday. I was on the Nail Painting and squishy stall. Our stall made £80 which was great but all the stalls combined made over £700 – wow! The prices for nails were £1 for a plain colour, £2.50 for a design and £3 for gems.


hello people it is Mckenna, Anneliese.


We are going to be telling you about residential today.

At 11 o clock the bus came to pick us up. The bus took 1 hour and a have to get there. The first activity was high ropes and crate building.   The Leap of faith involved climbing up a ladder onto a telegraph pole with little studs of wood. When you get to the top there’s a small platform.  There is a bar in front of you that you need to try and jump and catch.  I got up to the platform and then climbed back down – it was a little scary. Anneliese jumped and hung onto the bar for what felt like 5 minutes!  For the crate building we went in a pair and stood on 2 crates , then you had to more from side to side for the builders to put more crates up.  My partner and I got to 6 crates high.  McKenna and her partner got 9 crates.


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