
D-Day was part of WW2, Being the most remembered war and the most dangerous one, This is the 79th anniversary, Great Britain got stuck Dunkirk beach due to the Germans, Then the Nazi’s tried to invade Russia but that was A HUGE mistake, But the nazi’s couldn’t fight in the coldness, It gets up to -45 in russia, The russians were used to this insane coldness, The Nazi’s couldn’t hold it and retreated.

it is important we remember this day.

By Kye And Airen!






Today I am  going to tell  you about our  trip to Rock UK . Me and my school   went for 3 days and 2 nights. We had an  amazing time! We were busy doing interesting, challenging and fun activities such zip lining, geocaching, open canoeing, swimming, stream walking, and high ropes.

My favourite activity was zip lining because I like heights. My least favourite was canoeing because I found paddling hard and  I got blisters on my hand.

It was fun !

by Kye ( P6)


  1. A geologist came in the school and brought fossils and gems.
  2. This is my favourite  one   -it is a massive dinosaur head / skull.  This is a baby one!!

3. The geologists name is David. He brought some special stones. One of the stones had oil trapped in it. You could smell it!

Everyone liked the talk.  Thank you!

top 10 things people should do before they leave primary school

  1. water slide day
  2. make cakes
  3. all day watch moves
  4. camping
  5. fire day toast marshmallows
  6. bury your head teacher in the sand
  7. go on a trip
  8. a special lunch
  9. Rock climbing                                                                  10. water fight with the head teacher


We are doing money in maths; today we did money assessment. It had questions about finding totals.

Can you solve this question?

£1.44 x 2 =



top 5

1 day I played with Oliver

2 sessions at the driving range (golf)

3 year old brother was taught to do a front flip (by me)

4drawings of landscapes

5 year old brother is learning to do a one legged front flip (Abigail doesn’t believe it!!)

by kye

Our learning

Reverend Janice came and told us about Easter. It was when Jesus got crucified  and arose from the tomb. The reverend used 3 eggs each representing a different thing. The first egg was representing the empty tomb. The second all the broken and messy pieces of our lives and the third egg representing that we need to celebrate.


by Noah and Kye


learning FOR P4/5

We learned about weather and what animals are in different regions.  there are polar,temperate,dry,cold and tropical. and as a whole school we done maths together and what we done was making cubes with willow and after that ailen attack? i was about an ailen who falls out with a cactus.

my learning

Today we watched the Alien Attack. Then we mapped it out and we went to write the story. I am going to use ‘bone dry’ to describe the desert!


by kye

the devil’s porridge

Today we went to the Devil’s Porridge museum to learn more about World War 1 and 2.

First we had a snack to ensure that no one was hangry and so that everyone would listen carefully.

Secondly, one group watched short films made by a primary school. The films were about the war.

Meanwhile the other group were downstairs looking at the items from the munitions factory.

The chemicals turned some of the workers skin yellow and some even gave birth to babies with yellow skin.

The cordite had the look of brown noodles and was wound into the shells.

The workers could not go into the factory wearing anything metal or it could cause an explosion.

The King visited and even he had to take off his shoes and wear rubber shoes to go around the factory.

We were allowed to take a scratch and sniff card…it smelled of cordite. It smelt disgusting. I would not want to work in that smell all day.

Kye enjoyed trying on the gas masks and even a wool uniform.

Yasmin enjoyed listening to the stories that were around the museum about ordinary people affected by the war.


A good trip – we enjoyed it!

Please visit one day and support a local museum.

Yasmin and Kye



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