Village tidy up
community helping hands
it is Fun to do
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Village tidy up
community helping hands
it is Fun to do
Hi in the morning we do spelling and I use Nessy. if you don’t know what Nessy – it is a website for reading and spelling. I started on Island one and found it hard to start with. There are videos to watch and games to play, and every so often there is a challenge. Every island gets harder. Today, after a whole year, I have made it to Island 6! I am feeling excited to see if I can get to island 8, by the end of the year.
We are doing gymnastics in PE. And I find it hard to do . But my favourite is the James bond roll. You stick out your left leg which means you are rolling right and if you stick out your right leg you roll left. And you have your have your hands like a pistil. You then you roll to stand up. My other favourite is roll is wonder women her is a step by step tutorial.
It snowed today and I made a massive snow ball. Then I rolled it off the hill then it smash. Then I slide tackled Airen and he landed on me it was very funny.
by kye
hi Lewis and Kye here. In the school show we are doing Aladdin panto I am Aladdin and Kye Pc bright he is a funny character . kyes favourite part was arresting ababanazar. my favourite part was in the cave of wonders with the genie. In show was ok but it was scary at first. me Lewis was a little bit nervous but felt better though the show. I got rope burn it really sore. goodbye
from kye and lewis.
On Friday I took a 6 hour drive to Norwich. so On the drive I saw 2 airbases. I watched a training plane come in to land and saw a jet. I fell asleep at Sheffield and when I woke up it was pitch black. Mum got lost in Norwich and we round and round in a circle. At my aunties house I got to rev my aunties motorbike – it was brilliant! We went up the city, I got some american sweeties. We took a double decker bus it was amazing. I got to sit at the front of the bus. We saw my auntie in a show, it was a funny pantomime – they sang a Sailor went to sea sea sea. It was sad to come home and leave the family.
by kye
Hello! my name is kye, a couple weeks ago we Emailed MSP’s
We have done Dioramas of the Parliament and drawn MSP’s! We found out facts about the parliament, where it is, different parties and that MSPs have a seat in the parliament. We are standing for being Head teacher; the class are going to vote for a person to be The Head Teacher for a day. I think people should vote for me because I am fun and if they vote for me – we can watch movies with pop-corn.