by Gabriella
Home schooling
School at home
Teams catch up
Sorry Gabriella and Kye did not get into the teams catch up as it would not let them sign in….apple is maybe not the best for this kind of technology. Hopefully next time we will get this to work
Medicine Instructions
On the farm
Today we went to the farm to do some work, first we gave the baby calves some clean bedding then we changed their water and gave them their milk, we then went down to the field to chase the big cows in for milking. Before we got finished we managed to see a mummy cow having her first baby and Craig gave her a hand to pull the baby cow out….we were all very excited to see the birth of the baby it was lovely to watch, we cannot wait to go back to the farm to do this all again
Gabriella sport kit
Sports week day 1
for day one sports week Gabriella, Kyle and Oliver have been swimming…..let the splashes begin