Our learning…

Hi were back and we moved topic to Judaism and we made the Torah and l was with Abigail and it looked amazing.

And last week  we had PE and it was quit fun because it was tennis.

I am quit exited for tomorrow because its spelling quiz best part of the week and l am hoping l move up to spelling list 14 because l am only on 13.

Last week on Thursday we had music and it was fun! we made up our own beat and mine was based on the colour blue l would do green but it had to be at least 4 letters long.

And today we are gonna do a synagogue poster and l am quit exited.

that is it from me bye!!!!!!!!!!


Communication group………..

Hi  its the communication group and we are gonna tell you more improvement about   Holywood.

last blog post was about our new log and mascot the only thing is the logo in done but the mascot isn’t but that will hopefully get sent next week or the week after.

in the Easter holidays some of us went down the woodland and last time we found frog eggs but now they have hatched into cute little tadpoles so when we go down we need to be careful.

That is  it from the communication bye…..


Gabriellas holiday

  1. We went a walk with woody our dog.
  2. l was on my iPad for 2 hours.
  3. l had 3 injuries in 2 days and went to the hospital for 1.
  4. l did 4 cartwheels on the trampoline.
  5. l had lots of play dates and sleep overs with friends.
  6. l had six trampoline sessions with my friend on call.
  7. l watched 7 movies in 2 days.
  8. I had 8 cups of sprite and grenadine in 2 or 3 days.
  9. l baked 9 cookies.
  10. I saw 10  animals in a zoo.

Assembly with reverend Janice

Reverend Janice  came for assembly to talk about Easter and God we learn about a song what is about Jesus and it was fun but funny.

We also got to put our hand up if we new the board game and she would pick some one to ex-plane the game that was fun.

Then we put our hand up to do the Easter egg and in 1 there was nothing second one there was bits of cracked egg and on the third one the was a lot of celebration sweets.

We all have to also go away and think about god and his kindness and love.

that is  it from us bye 🙂



communication group.

Hi were back with some news and improvement about Holywood.

Lets start with the green house l dont think there is anything growing in the green house but hopefully there will be fruits and vegetables growing in there really soon.

Next is our new communication logo/mascot maybe we will get that on the blog before the Easter holidays witch is next week exiting.

that is it from the communication bye we might get back next week.

My favourite part of todays newsround

My favourite part of news round was the gymnastics part with chugo it was nice.

And there was a scenery area for this boy i forgot his name.

there was also a baby pig born in the UK.

there was also a guy in a pond or a lake how cool.

that is  it from us byee



Our learning

Our learning.

Yesterday l finally finished my ww2 plane after a while.

I am now doing a ww2 gas mask leaflet and it looks amazing so far.

Last week on Friday we had PE and it was boring but AMAZING.

And on big Thursday me and my partner did our podcast and it sounds amazing.


that is it from me today byeeeeee


devils porridge museum…

Today we went to devils porridge museum.

as you can see in the title and it was very interesting. there where wee telephones we could hear from like diffirent people talking about how living in the war.then we tried on some outfits and we tried on gas masks and we got to see what was in ther suitcases that they bring with them when they get evacuated there was a toy,soap,clothes to put on after  and they coud only bring one teddy.then we watched films from the eastrigs primary and high school .we got to see what it was like in a trench and it was actually really high and we got to look through a we thing and we could see the enemys that would be on the other side.  the ladys had to make the stuff that would go inside the bombs and when they where stirring it  it made there face yellow and it burnt there face up.

(feedback) maybe see if yous can get better films.

ration challenge

Today it was the ration challenge and we cooked bacon and potato soup.

We had to use potato’s,onions,carrots,bacon,stock.

Once the soup was done the judges get to taste and decide who wins.

After the judges tasted it we got to eat it and it was amazing.

Our learning

What we did

Yesterday we made these realistic planes and they had to be accurate.

So what we used is we used card and we had to measure and cut.

We had to make tow squares and one for the body and one for the wing.

We had to make the wing really tight and rolling it hurt my fingers.

We also get to paint them but we were not allowed to use tape the tape we used is masking tape and doable sided.

That,s it from me bye

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