rock UK is the best and it is very fun and we lived in a log cabin and i shared a room with Noah airen jayda findlay Lewis Niamh Gabriela we did stream walk it was fun/scary swimming was very fun dinner it was good then a zip line
melting and reversing
So today we did melting chocolate and ice and breed the essayist was the ice and my then we did the breed and the last thing was the chocolate.the And team is Kye, Yasmin , Carson. bye
how to separate salt rocks rice and sand in sciences
. get your materials
. testing tube
. filter
. testing tube holder
. plastic tubs
. Siv
. salt
. rocks
. sand
. rice
. water
first separate the rocks with your hands and put a plate under it so you don t wast your materials.
second with the siv separate rice from the salt and sand.
third with a tub put the sand and salt in water
forth put the salt water in a hot pan
firth put the sand in a testing tub
sixth put the salt in a testing tub
now your done bye
oil rocks fossil
8 words about things you should do before leaving primary school
10 nice handwriting
9 good reader
8 confident in front of the class
7 be confident in every subject
6 spell hundreds of words
5 be behaved
4 be nice
3 be a good listener
my Easter holiday[1 to 10] by carson
I played football 10 times with my dad
My dog slept in my room 9 times
I held my giant African land snails 8 times
I went out with kohdie 7 times
I watched our planet 6 times [ on Netflix ]
I hit my sister 5 times
I made i bed den 4 times
I stayed up 3 times
I played on my Xbox 2 times
I got along with my sister 1 time
By Carson
Carson and Kohdie learning
Carson and I were doing assembly with the rest of the school it was about Christianity and Easter day we were talking about board games and Miss Janice was asking every body to open up a egg some of them did not have the stuff they meant to have in the egg that is it goodbye.
Newsround down syndrome day
hi its me Rory and Carson
and we are gonna be talking about a story we saw on Newsround where a kid with down syndrome loves gymnastics and his mum made a gymnastics club 4 years ago and its pretty successful and he has his own sensory room but not just him uses it also the other kids. Rory thinks its a pretty inspiring story for other kids with down syndrome to go have some fun and do what you love. Carson thinks that it is nice thing to do.
bye thats all from us.
my learning/big Thursday
hi its Carson and to day I am going to tell you about my big Thursday
first we did podcasts with miss Pattie FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!!
second we have Mrs Mcnay for PE and we are practising for a cross contrary.
third we do outdoor learning with miss patterson and we are making numbers for the P1/3.
forth is miss Jarden for art.