こんにちは、ジャーディンさん。私が読んでいる「パーフェクト ハンバーガー」という本についてお話しします。この本は、ハンバーガーが大好きなジョーという少年の話です。彼の住む通りにはハンバーガーを売っているバンがあり、ジョーはバンの運転手と一緒に、おいしいハンバーガーを作っている店に行き、バンの運転手からハンバーガーの作り方を学びます。
Hi Mrs Jardine, I
am going to tell you about the book i am reading called the perfect hamburger which is about a boy called joe who loves hamburgers. There is a van that sells hamburgers on his street and he and the man from the van go to a place where they make AMAZING hamburgers and he learns how to make them with the van person!
Thank you for reading
by Nancy
Hello I will be talking about my holiday First i got my appendix removed then i recovered for a week and then i went to my grannys house for a weekend and we went to southhampton with them to see my baby cousin for the day and then we came back and watched x men days of future past with my uncle. After that we came back home and chillllllllllllllllllllllled then we started school again.!! by Nancy
Hello today I am going to be talking about landscape painting!!
! first here is a image ->
It is quite simple to paint landscape pictures you just need paints a few different sized brushes and a canvas or card(if you use paper the paints might rip it) also you need to mark in pencil the main points of the painting and where all the things are and then you just paint where you want to paint the different shades or colours!
Thanks for reading
Bye bye – by Nancy 
HI its Nancy today I am going to be talking about bike ability
So the P7s are doing bike ability nearly every Friday for a couple of weeks. It teaches us how to cycle on the roads and it is really fun. A cycle instructor comes in and we do games that help us learn signs and stuff we need to know to cycle on the roads. We have to bring our bikes in and the instructor teaches us how to lay our bikes down safely, how to adjust our helmets, how to do the M check and what to wear when cycling.
Thank you for Reading
Bye Bye by Nancy
Hello Its Nancy and Aliyah!!
We are going to be talking about sports day the parents came at half past 9. Most of us have favourite races Aliyah’s Favourite is the sack race and so is mine.
There was lots of different races including the flat running race, sack race, skipping race and relay race.
After the races we got to eat ice cream Nancy had a vanilla and chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce and Aliyah had a chocolate ice cream.
bye bye
by Aliyah And Nancy

Hello I am Nancy I am going to be telling you about gala day 2024. I was in the jewellery group and over all we made just over £700 for the school and we made earrings and bracelets and necklaces and they were really pretty there were other stalls to and there were also other activities to do and everybody’s hay fever went really bad!!! It was really fun though!!
bye bye
by Nancy
Hello!, Today I am going to talk about my Japanese learning! I am learning Japanese on Duolingo and I am on unit ten and I am on section 1 rookie!! I am learning to tell the time for example nijidesu!! it is really fun learning Japanese and it is actually really easy and fun when you get into it. I am learning Japanese because my little Cousins are half Japanese and my Auntie is Japanese!!
Thank you for reading
by Nancy!!
By the way I once made sushi, tofu miso soup and teriyaki chicken!!