My trip to New Zealand!!!

Hello today I will be telling you about my trip to New Zealand! I am going to New Zealand in 10 days ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„. Iโ€™m so excited!!๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„We are going to go on lots of adventures around the whole place and we are visiting my uncle!๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„Detailed Political Map of New Zealand - Ezilon Maps


Bright, Quiet, Circle,

Surface covered in craters,

Placed in the night sky,

By Nancy 




The Digestive System

The Digestive system is the way that your body processes food into faeces (poo).It is made up of six parts.

The first part of your digestive system is your mouth. Your mouth chews your food. It creates a liquid called saliva that helps break down the food in your mouth. The mouth swallows food into your oesophagus.

The second part of your digestive system is your oesophagus. It pushes your chewed up food down into your stomach.

Your stomach is the third part of your digestive system it breaks down food even more and creates a gas that helps break it down.

The fourth part of your digestive system is called your small intestine and it takes the nutrients out of it and sends it into your bloodstream.

The fifth part of your digestive system is your large intestine. The large intestine takes the water out of your food and turns the rest into faeces.

The last part of the digestive system is the rectum. The rectum is where all of the faeces is stored and where the faeces leaves the body through the anus.

The digestive process takes around 33 hours to complete

Thank you for reading

By Nancy

Dear Mrs Jardine

I will be telling you about a photography contest thing that we are doing. The theme for the photography contest you have to take a picture with the theme of wonderful water and we send it to Mr Walker and he sends it to the people who are running the competition and we see who wins. Most of us have entered an photo into the competition.

Thank you for reading

From Nancy

My Holidays

In the Christmas holidays I went to My Grandmas house for a night and we played dingbats and went to a pub called the swan with to necks. Me and my brother had a lasagne and appletizer and my mum and grandma had salmon after that we went back home and the next day we went to westron which is just outside Perth (Scotland) and we saw my grandad, step granny, auntie and cousins and we all went to the V&A in Dundee and we also saw the discovery which is a boat, we stayed in Westron for 2 nights and then we came home about 10am after.

Thank you for reading 

By N

Holywood School Show

Hi its Nancy, today I will be talking about our school show.

In our School show we did Charlie and the chocolate factory, I was Veruca salt and it was fun because I got to be all spoiled and brattish. In my opinion the second show was the worst because people kept forgetting their lines and I think the first and last ones were the best but on the last one people had to fill in for people who were off sick. The second and third show were supposed to be on the Wednesday after the first one that was on the Tuesday but too many people were off sick so we had to postpone it so we did it the following Monday. This school show was my last one at Holywood ever ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ. I enjoyed being a speaking part but I also enjoyed the acting parts as well. I am glad we chose Charlie and the chocolate factory because it is my favourite Roald Dahl book and I really enjoyed doing it as a play at school.

Thank you for reading

Nancy ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚

Literacy in p6/7

In literacy we have been doing verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns

a verb is a doing word

a adverb is a word that describes a doing word

a adjective is a word that describes a noun

and a noun is a thing like a pencil but a pronoun is like a place or a person or a day of the week for example Penelope, Holywood, Monday and they always have a capital letter at the start.

We have also been doing instructional writing so we have been using bossy words and time connectives like, put, mix, take, penultimately, firstly, after that and lastly. 

Thank you for reading 116 words including the title, by nancy

Pupil council gathering

Hi Its the pupil council,  last week on Friday we did a gathering all about anti-bullying because it was anti-bullying week and we taught everyone about boo

B- being mean

O-on purpose

O-over and over

We also taught people what bullying is and that its not right.

By Nancy and the pupil council



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