P.E on Thursday

On Thursday we did P.E we did rugby. We played  a game with tags and a ball and we played other people from P6/7. My group played Mrs Mcnay’s group then she had the ball and ran with it to get a point  then i went to get her tag of her but i ran in front of her and she fell on the ground and she had a bruise from the whistle. It was really funny but she was ok rugby was really fun. And we did passing and we played it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Findlay


On news round today we seen that Harry Kane is the top scorer of all time for England.  And we watched an iron man race where they had jet packs and  they where flying over water and  avoiding obstacles.

I think it is nice for Harry Kane to be the top scorer for England . I think it is cool for an Iron man race.

BY Findlay and Mckenna

P4-5 with Miss Dale !!!!

Today the P4-5 we are  with Miss Dale, Miss Pattie was not well we did spelling , maths and we were doing a comic about Alien Attack. We made some cubes out of willow and rubber bands  the P4-5  are doing blogs the P6-7 are doing world war poster .

the lion king

We did the lion king for our school show, it was fun. It was hard as we had lots of lines . We had to sing lots of songs and we had to make hats. We did so much stuff.


by Noi and Findlay

Our Space topic

We have made Playdo planets. We had blow up planets and we made a rhyme, Millers Very Evil Monkey Jumps Stupidly Up Neptune.And we listen to songs. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune (Pluto) We made craters  with sand and flour and coco powder in the rain and we are doing a blog right now. By Findlay and Ruby

Life in coal mine

I can smell… sweaty people and dust and   burning coal.

I can hear… mice or rats squeaking rocks falling and people digging loudly.

I can feel… cold walls smooth  coal and dust on your clothes .

I can taste  ash and dust and very bad food.

I can see cobwebs and spiders black darkness and kids working.

by Findlay


Days as a Victorian kid chimney sweep

I can see… smoke and dust and a lot of birds  all the time.

I can see.. dust, dead birds and  burnt  wood.

I can hear…  people talking on the streets, little mice and rats squeaking.

I can touch… a metal chimney sweep and bumpy brown bricks.

I can taste…. black dust and very bad food at lunch.

I can smell… Dead animals on the roof, smoke that makes me cough and rotten food.

by Nia

Bike Breakfast

Bike breakfast is where we ride are bike’s around the village. I was with Jackson and Payton. I crashed  in to Owen i got really hurt  Owen was fine i got my foot stuck. Me and Jackson and miss Pattie and someone’s dad came.  by Azari & Findlay

bug hotel

We made a bug hotel for out door learning so i’m going to tell you how to make it. You need dry wood and place it down in a nice corner and build it up and then get sticks at make a roof. Then get a smashed up plant  pot and place it any where.  In the hotel and and place thin sticks in the fence howl then find like plastic bottle’s bricks and diffrent type of sticks.Then you can add leaves.

The Queens Jubilee

We are  celebrating the platinum jubilee for the  Queens 70 year jubilee. The queen likes dogs and horses. the queen likes blue. she has been the queen for 70 years. Me, Findlay and McKenna made this


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