Hi its Jayda and I’m going to talk about boxing at nithvalley we have been skipping, shadow boxing and exercises such as star jumps, push ups, sit ups and burpees , I have learned Jabs ,1,2, and sparing I have been going for two weeks and so far really enjoyed it all. I got a gum shield for next week we are doing sparing again and looking forward to it I recommend going for people aged 10 . thank you for reading goodbye .
Hi its Jayda and I’m going to talk about residential it was very fun. firstly we done high ropes (Leap of faith) when we done that I had an adrenalin rush. it was very exciting. after that we done open canoeing . me and Lewis were on a canoe together it was funny because we had to go in a line and go in each others canoes . afterwards we had dinner it was lovely sausages and mash. then we had night walk . day 2 . we woke up. then we went for breakfast and then abseiling we had to step of the ledge and let the rope go it was fun but scary .
after wards we done raft building we fell in because we done head shoulders knees JUMP! and SPLASH yep we got wet really soaking . after that we done zipline it was fast and chilling . then we done swimming . that is all goodbye .
rock uk
hi its Jayda and I’m going to be speaking about residential. tomorrow we are going to a cabin and I’m with Lewis he is a good friend. I like residential . we are doing we are doing Abseiling, leap of faith , open canoeing stream walk, raft building ,zipwire and swimming I’m so exited I’m in miss Stapleton’s cabin i cant wait we are going to 22-24 thats all bye bye .
gala groups
Monday holiday
hi its Jayda I am going to be talking about my day at my mums pet shop my mum started work at a pet shop 2 weeks ago it was very very fun my mum swept the floor whilst I was restoking the shelfs , helping customers , using the till , my mum was also helping me a bit with the restocking we had to look on the shelfs and write down what wasn’t there we had to go in the back and get what we needed I spent like five hours being busy it was very fun and I loved it it was called Stewart pet supplies I
also gave three dash hounds treats they were all so cute.
then after that my nana came and picked me up at three
thank you for listening good bye thank you
wee books
Hi its Jayda and I’m going to be telling you about wee books that we made . we made wee books for a important person called miss Burnet she is a person that comes and talks to people about learning at Holywood . Anyway I made a wee book about history (Victorians) . it was Quite fun I’m super impressed with mine .
that’s all goodbye.
BIG woodland break!!!
hi its Jayda and I’m going to be telling you about woodland break every Friday we go to the woods at 2 o’clock. this week we went to the woods and the GIANT puddle was frozen we were playing on it and it was so fun. me and Julien had smashed some of the ice it was so slippy .we got a piece of ice and played ice hockey. some times we do whittling with miss madden we make dens and do really fun stuff. by Jayda
new year resolution
hi Jayda and Lewis here today we are going to be talking about our new years resolution Jayda’s resolution is to tidy my room. My resolution is to get better at swimming . goodbye