learning visit

Today we had a learning visit . I talked to Mr Wilson about how we assess our learning . I felt nervous . I showed him my learning folder and my writing jotter .

that is it thanks for reading !

my weekend

hello Jayda here I am going to tell you about my weekend first I had a power cut then I got bored and went to my nanas house and on the Saturday I saw  Rangers stadium and I went to Greggs and after that I went to Glasgow airport to plane spot that’s all for today bye bye  .

what I got for Christmas

Hello its Jayda and on Christmas I got Airfix models a Nikon d3400 camera a Xbox shoes and clothes at my mums I got a steering wheel for playing forza , clothes and a Xbox


this picture is not mine                                                                                                                       but its one of the models                                                                                                                   I  got .


Hi its Jayda and  Lewis  we are going to be talking about nachos we made yesterday. In class we chopped some tomatoes and spring onion and mixed them together. Then we put cheese on the nachos with guacamole and put in  the oven . then we eat them .







that is all thanks for listening bye

ww2 book I’m reading !

hello its Jayda and I am going to tell you about my ww2 book I’m  reading. its about a three year old boy who’s name is Freddie he sees dog fights in the sky not knowing about the war . then it gets sad his dad gets sent to war .




that’s all thank you for reading

bike ability

Hello its Jayda and I’m going to tell you about bike ability.

Bike ability is about road safety, how to fix a bike and bike checks. We done laps around the hard surface we also done stuff with cones there was this one game where the instructor Dave had a red and green cone we had to look around our shoulder and say the colour. We done lots of games.

that’s all Jayda thanks for reading .

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