Today we had a learning visit . I talked to Mr Wilson about how we assess our learning . I felt nervous . I showed him my learning folder and my writing jotter .
that is it thanks for reading !
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Today we had a learning visit . I talked to Mr Wilson about how we assess our learning . I felt nervous . I showed him my learning folder and my writing jotter .
that is it thanks for reading !
hello Jayda here I am going to tell you about my weekend first I had a power cut then I got bored and went to my nanas house and on the Saturday I saw Rangers stadium and I went to Greggs and after that I went to Glasgow airport to plane spot that’s all for today bye bye .
Morning speech poem poppies war Flanders field
1 minute of silence.
Hello its Jayda and I’m going to tell you about bike ability.
Bike ability is about road safety, how to fix a bike and bike checks. We done laps around the hard surface we also done stuff with cones there was this one game where the instructor Dave had a red and green cone we had to look around our shoulder and say the colour. We done lots of games.
that’s all Jayda thanks for reading .