P123 Maths Blog

All About Time

We have been learning about the days of the week; seasons and months of the year!

Did you know that the Earth moves round and when the Sun shines on a bit of the Earth, the Sun makes it daytime.

We love the days of the week song!

songs for the Vikings – please learn!

Audio Player

defenders – villagers

Audio Player

sorcerers – we have the powervikings-the-quest-for-the-dragons-treasure-2023-lyrics

Vikings! The Quest for the Dragon’s Treasure


Prepare! All to sing – look on your word sheet for your part.

Audio Player

Vikings Forever… All singing

Audio Player


Villagers Sing – Defenders of the Earth

Audio Player

Sorcerers Sing We have the Power


Audio Player


Following our litter pick, we’ll be taking part… in The Big Plastic Count – letter coming home today




Put the Let’s Count Tally Sheet up on your fridge, or near your bin or recycling.

Tell everyone you live with that you’re going to be taking part and ask them to include their plastic waste in the count too.

Using the Let’s Count Tally Sheet, record the different types of household plastic packaging waste you use for one week. This includes plastic going in your bin and plastic you put out for recycling.

Use the Plastic ID Tool to look up plastic items if you need to.

Remember to write down any piece of plastic packaging you use while out and about, then mark it on your tally sheet when you get back home.



Don’t include: plasters, medication packaging, non-dairy milk/juice cartons, nappies, dog poo bags, plastic cutlery or period products.

We don’t want to include plastic items that are used for medical or sanitary reasons, or by people with disabilities who rely on plastic items for independence.

Also, we are not counting coffee cups or Tetra Pak, the plasticised cardboard material that many juice/milk cartons are made of.

Check out the Plastic ID Tool online to familiarise yourself with the kinds of plastics we’re counting up for this survey.


Once your household has completed the survey, your child will bring the sheet back to school and give it to an eco group member.


Thank you

Zara and Emily Animate!

We worked really hard today and made this with playdoh.

Our Green Flag arrived this week!

A big thank you goes to our Eco Group, from this year and last, for all the work they have put into creating the action plan and following it through to complete the award.

#keepscotlandbeautiful #ecoschoolsscotland


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