On Big Thursday we do P.E. , Drama , Computer science and Music. Millers favourite is P.E., it is also my favourite! In P.E. recently we have been doing circuits I have been with Esmae and Tumaini. We have been doing variety of different things like skipping,floor is lava and yoga! We are also practising for a play we are doing, it is called Eddie the penguin saves the world!
Today we were doing math and we were doing algebra we done a thing on the board, It was just algebra but harder. I found it really easy we had to pick from green orange or red I done red and orange it was really easy and fun! It was just algebra but different. It was like 2x+5p+x+1 and we would figure it out and it looks really hard but to me it was really easy. I finished before lunch and if you finished before lunch you got 50 coins on sum dog! I was going to but we only had about 5 minuets left and i was the only person that had finished
My Holiday!!
I had a very busy holiday,on Monday I went to my nanny’s and on Tuesday i went to Tumainis then she slept over at my house, and on Wednesday we went to my nanny’s. the second week is very similar except the weekend i went to my nanny’s on the Monday the Tuesday me Tumaini and her family went Bowling,we went to Fusion and we went to a little restaurant but instead i stayed at hers! On the first Thursday I went to Hannah’s party it was really fun. And on the first Saturday I went pumpkin carving i made Jake Skeleton. On the first Sunday I went to the cinema and watched Addams family 2. Then Kaitlyn came over and we went to get Esmae and Esmae stayed over. On the 2 Friday I slept at my friends and then on the 2 Saturday my cousin slept over!
Today we were doing spelling and finishing our wanted, food and house for sale posters. If we finished that we could do a reading card. Then at maths we were doing 2 different things me Esmae,Bailey,Kaitlyn,liam,Hannah and Caspian were doing problem solving sheets and the rest of the class were doing Question sheets. Now we are in class and we just went to french and now i am blogging so have a great day
For a couple of weeks we will be doing a personal project there was a bunch of subjects like being vegan, diabetes, heart disease, eating fish, being Muslim and being Jewish!I am not really sure if there was more but if there is that is some of the ideas. We were able to do a poster, power point, talk or a diorama. You need to ask and answer questions find out facts and read and research. A lot of people are doing heart disease and diabetes and I dont think anyone is doing about eating fish. #personalproject
by Olivia and Esmae
My Haiku
A couple of days ago we started something called a Haiku. You have 3 lines and the words need to be 5 7 5 so some thing like
Flowers everywhere
Listening to birds chirping
Feeling the soft grass
Something like that but mines was
Ticktocks everywhere
Listening to deja vu
Playing with mad friends
Big Thursday
On big Thursday first we have drama, PE, outdoor skills, and computer science. For drama we are making our own stories I am making a story with Esmae we are making a story about a boy who got kidnapped. Also in PE we are playing rounders and we also play a game where there is cones and two people at a cone and one Person runs while the other person throws a ball to the next person. In computer science we go one scratch or canva. At outdoor skills we are focusing on first aid kits.
Military club
Today me and my friends have been playing a military game which is where we need to do tasks and stuff. It was really fun because we had to run up and down the hill 10 times and run to the tree house and back also they made us do in a line and they pulled a silly face and if we laughed we had to do 50 or 10 push ups. They were seeing how strong and brave we are so we could be there army for a den they have in the woods. So me and my friend joined and we made a deal that we get 25% off on there shop that they have in the woods. So up the woods we do this thing where people have shop where they sell sticks,stones,bark and mud to help with your den. And You have to pay with pine cones so me and my friend were giving them pine cones for stickes and then we started making our own shop witch is going really well!
Big Thursday
on big Thursday we have been doing PE,out door skills, drama and computer science. My favourite is probably PE or out door skills but i like everything! We are doing hockey for PE its really fun. In out door skills we are making dens i was in a group with Liam Bailey and James we are still working on our den we have a bunch of sticks and ivy. For computer science we have been on an app called scratch i was with Tumaini and Dakota it was really fun to play with the stickers. For drama we have been playing games like park bench and role playing which is also fun
Yeast race
Today we are tying to find out what happens if yeast grows faster with or without sugar. We put flower sugar and yeast in the jug also there were four groups two with sugar two without.
Ella: I think it is going to stop growing
Kohdie: i think it will change colours
Olivia: I think it will grow
Its now been an hour and Ella mine and kohdies had grown the most showing that the ones with sugar grew the most as our final result is 62mm. Now we will wait till Monday to see how much its grown
By Olivia Ella and Kohdie