Wallace hall

Last week all the P7’s from all different primary school such as our school Holywood went to high school for 3 days Wednesday to Friday ( I went to Wallace hall)  For a trip We got to go to classes look around the school and other wonderful things, We wore treated very nicely by all staff , our buddies and over students!.

On the first and second day we all got buddies . Buddies are students who are S 6 that take a group for each house ( skaur, nith and cairn)i am in  skaur  And they would take us to all our classes, show us to the lunch halls , bathrooms, Do our register between classes , give us advice and make sure we are all safe and happy in general . on the third day we didn’t get buddies we had to find our own classes which was actually rather easy  . my favourite classes wore Art and maths . In Art we had to write our name is big bubble letter after we decorated them like monsters, demons some people even made eye balls for O.  This was really fun and when we go back we will get to finish them off. In maths we got given a sheet off paper on it was football uniforms we wore asked to colour them in and try to figure out all the codes There was around 28 codes in total.  We also did English . In English we did a word search with different important words in literacy . Words that poets used and Words that we would have to use in the future.

At break we wore aloud to buy slushie from the canteen, go on our phones, play with a ball and other entertaining stuff.  And at lunch we got food from either line their was one of each side or we brought our own packed lunch .

And on our very last day off visiting we had house games house games are game that we would play and every house had a team there wore games like tug off war!. it was really amusing to watch all the people run around and compete.


Gala day

last Friday was gala day. Gala day  is a day where all the kids sell things such as: toys, food .plants and much more exciting things it was very amusing and affordable  to do. We do also try to be sustainable. We all get our own stall with a group of 3-5 people. There wore a bunch of stalls and things to do during gala day because . i believe school favourite was  the baking stall . We also got to throw sponges at people who volunteered (Miss dale got some thrown at her). We also raised a hole load of money for the school !  . 

After gala day had finished we did infact clean up after ourselves and made sure no tables wore left out . Thank you to all the people who came to gala day!.




the primary 5-7’s went to  Galloway activity Centre from May 30th to June the  1st.  we went on the bus their in the morning. When we got off one person from every 3 had to pick up a tent and bring it to where we wore setting up . After Miss Staple ton and miss Pattie told us where to pitch our tents We all went to our spot and set them up. The teachers set us up into two groups and they both did different things on the first day one group did archery and the other group did laser tag then we switched so that every group got a shot doing each off the activity’s. For dinner we got chicken nuggets and chips and we had the option off beans . there was also a big clubhouse that is where we ate dinner and the bathrooms wore in there. It was good because when it was to rainy we got to stay in there. On the last night it was extremely rainy and we had to stay in the clubhouse until we choose to go the bed

the Activity’s

archery: One of the first activity we did was archery. We all got into a team off four and gave our group a name after the groups went up in turns to try and shoot at the target. We also played a game called pizza all the groups went up in turns as usual but this time we wore aiming to make a pizza all the targets meant a different thing .

laser tag: When we went to laser tag the first thing we did was get a gun the guns also had head sets so when somebody died the gun would say something like “man down” or just make a beeping noise and the headset would flash red. There wore two teams the red team and the blue team. the instructor had the ability to revive us with her special reviving  gun.

paddle boarding: One of the water activity’s was paddle boarding we had to get into a two and go on to the same paddle board the person in the back had there ankle strapped with a strap and it was attached to a wire so if the person feel off they wouldn’t float to far away. We also wore body suits and life jackets so we would float if we feel in.

Slip n slide: The slip n slide also known as a water slide was a big slide going down the hill it had soup and bubbles in it and people went to quite quick there wore to slides so people wore racing.

rock climbing: At residential there was also a big rock climbing wall so got attached to a Harness and had to try to go to the top where there was a button. If we clicked it it would make a buzzing noise and we jumped down.

The big swing: The big swing was a massive swing u went on with two other people. A string would lift u up and then a guy would count u down after the swing went very high in the air and then came down.

BOAT RACING:  The last activity we did was boat racing we had to put safety jackets on. And  raced against the other group that was there . We all got into teams and so did the other school after we had to collect a paddle and hop on a boat two people on one seat. Luckily nobody tipped over. I think the other school won .




who am i

hi, this is my clay monster , They sort of look like pacman. he had his tooth removed.i painted them last week in big Thursday.


Little clay man(MONSTERS) :)

Hello….i am Gerard  The little clay man (hi) 🙂 . My best friend  is tily Mily . I am like..1 week old i think but that isn’t important right now. I enjoy playing football with Till (tily milys nickname)  But she doesn’t like it when i kick the ball to hard and it sends her flying.. Unfortunately that happens a lot . I also love my friends Mr demon and Chantel .  I love dogs but dogs don’t love me. and i also like fish.. my favourite food is blood. I have a mum called Alexa and a auntie called Georgia Who i haven’t met..i was made last Thursday  . My birthday is 29 of February witch is a leap year my birthday happens every 4 years.

ok bye 🙂

from Gerard

pancake day!

Yesterday it was pancake day. At holywood primary school we make pancakes on pancake day at school.  This time we did it in a group of 4.

PANCAKE RECIPE (for delicious pancakes)


1: add in 6 table spoons of plain flour.(heaped :} )

2: add in 1 egg(or else it wont become pancake batter 🙁 )

3:put in 250 ml of milk into the bowl.

4: add 1 tablespoon of sugar >:)


                 Now cook it..try not to burn your pancake or it wont taste very nice..

Now you can add any topping !                                      school favourite:chocolate sauce.


Where am i??

Today is Thursday the 17th of February 2022, in computer science we are doing where am i? quiz with dinosaurs. Each of us get a camera(and a dinosaur of your choice )   And we had to take a photo of your dinosaur in a random spot of your choice.

this is Steve the scary dinosaur. can u guess were he is?

What am i..?

Hello! right now it is big Thursday and we are in computer science. Today we are doing what am i challenge. everybody in the class had took a close up photo of something around the school to learn how to attach it to  E-mail. We wore going to send them to out friends but alas the email pictures aren’t working .

so can you guess what I am?

this is the photo.


tree planting

Last Friday we wore planting trees in a local area. We walked there. Sam showed us how to plant them then we got into groups and set off. We are doing this this Monday too(today when im writing this)

We wore doing this for the queens anniversary(platinum jubilee). This was very exciting. there Wore plenty of people there. The most exciting bit was when a camera crew came to interview our school.  People like: Caspian, Olivia and even Erin Got interviewed. They asked questions like why are you doing this?  answer: For the queens jubilee. Tell us what trees are you planting? Answer; mainly oak trees i believe but also native trees.

the queen loves natural forests These trees will one day grow into beautiful big trees and they will no longer be small. Trees are very helpful to us they produce oxygen and make it easier for us to breath. The queen loves natural forests That is why she wants us all the plant a tree this year for her jubilee. Alas not all people can. That is why there are places to plant trees.

All thought trees are important for oxygen people make so any things out of these Trees are very helpful to us they produce oxygen and make it easier for us to breath. Yet not all trees live some people cut down these trees to make things like paper, sponges and even hair dye! All thought trees are important for oxygen people make so any things out of these.

by;Alexa and Erin


Big thursday

PE: In pe we have been doing orienteering. Last week Mrs Mcnay set up a course we had to do . She used cones to set it up as we are in fact aloud to use them during pe since they are very useful tools. We all got a partner to do the course with. The way the course worked is everybody got a clipboard, squared paper, and a pen How ever what we didn’t know is we needed blue red yellow and green. After We had to draw the circles in the correct order with the correct colours. After we had to do the course with our new map. We did the course with out partner.

Art: Recently In art we have been doing perspective painting. We have been learning to kinds of this . my favourite one  is when we get a small piece of paper  We must draw a line in the middle of the paper. Once we have our line (witch is drawn our neatly with a ruler ) We must draw a circle small and black. After we draw some shapes these are used as our tops. Then we draw a few lines going down and into the hole. with a ruler. i suggest drawing a square to start with as it is the easiest shape to do. You may colour them in . Add a light that comes in this could be the sun or even a torch Were the light is shining is were you must make the drawing lighter. were it has less light u make it dark.

textiles Textiles is a thing involving sewing. We use things (witch i have forgot the name of) Some of the stitch we do are; the cross stitch(in this stitch you must go side ways all the way to the end. After you do it again but the other way then you should have a x like shape) , back stitch (in this stitch you go forward and then you go back do this a few times  until you reach the end or were u want it to end)  these are only some of the many stitch. last week  we wore doing book marks with our names on them.

computer science: This term in computer science we have been doing something a bit different then usual because this term we wore doing dance mat. Dance mat is a typing the first thing we learn are the home keys these keys are in the middle : a s d f g h j k l ;. WE start by learning were to place our things. We must have 2 hands and 4 fingers on the left side we would have ; A S D F and on the right it is;J K L ; . Now that we have learned the basics We learn switching to switch to g or h you must find out what side they are on after you switch the finger that is closest to it on the left you would come your pointer finger of witch is on the f to the g or on the right you would switch your pointer finger from j to h.

– Alexa

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