My holiday

Hello, back after two weeks… I now have to tell you what I did on my holiday.

On the first week I went to my dads and didn’t do much there. Well we did go to the skate park A LOT! And we did a lot of shopping as well. And I went to Hannah’s birthday party!

On the second week I was with mum the whole time, we had lunch at Tesco’s cafe quite a few times. I also entered the designing challenge that Tesco put up, Your meant to design a pumpkin or a witch.

I know I didn’t do much but I enjoyed my holiday!

Learning update!

Hello, today more thing happened… who would of guessed. We had a whisper morning, so we couldn’t talk we could only whisper! We actually got a lot of work done. Next was maths, we were given maths sheets that we had to finish, they were quite fun. Now were doing our blog about learning and then next were going to do our personal project!


Learning update

Hello everyone,  This is a description of what we have done today so far.  We started the day with spelling, then moved on to descriptive writing were we used our description bubbles to make a high quality wanted poster about us. After we just finished up some other work we have been doing. We then did maths, we’ve been practising our times tables, addition  and subtraction. Now were writing about our learning and later were going to do our personal project about ether heart disease, diabetes, Jewish food, Muslim food, about eating fish, veganism and I can’t  remember if there was any more.

by Kaitlyn

My Haiku

Hello, new update we’ve been making haikus about our self! if you don’t know what a haiku is, A haiku is a short poem with only three lines. But what is different is that you can only use five syllables for the first line, for the second line you can only use seven and then the last line back to five.

My haiku:

Constantly talking

Colorful art everywhere

Stuck to my T.V.

You can tell that’s about me! (The title is Kaitlyn)

Photo challenge

Hello, I have taken part in the photo challenge and here is my top 3 photos:

These are my favourite photos out of the bunch. My favourite methods of taking photos is Macro and Landscape.

By Kaitlyn

Sneeze experiment

Hello, and today we did an experiment about sneezing and germs. We put water and food colouring into spray bottles and we went outside. We put down paper and meter sticks on the slabs outside and then got to work. We sprayed the food colouring and then measured how far it went. (the food colouring represents the germs when we sneeze). Then we sprayed it again but this time someone put their hand in front of the bottle like what you would do if you were blocking a sneeze with your hand. Then the last experiment was to put a tissue in front of the bottle like when you sneeze into a tissue.

What we found out from our experiment  was that it is always better to use a tissue because then you’re not spreading your germs everywhere and getting people ill. And if you don’t have a tissue sneeze into your arm or your hand but wash your hands after!!

By Kaitlyn

Yeast Race

Hello, we are doing an experiment and i’m going to tell you what we are doing. We are trying to see if yeast blows up better with sugar or no sugar. So we’ve put water, flower, sugar and yeast in our cup, some people have put no sugar in their cup. And every five mins we check how many mm it has puffed up. Right now we’ve just saw a line where the air bubbles have started to form. our final results have came in and…   yeast blows up better with sugar! We came in after we came back from lunch ours was at 32mm now its at 60mm!!

By Brooke, Bailey and Kaitlyn


Music Review

Name of song: Russian folk music

Genre: Folk

What I liked about this song: Its calming and it just has a nice vibe to it.

What I don’t like about it: Absolutely nothing, I cant pick anything i don’t like about it.

Who would I recommend it to: Ether James or Hannah, because I feel like its something they would listen to.

How does it make me feel: Great, it would definitely help me wake up and maybe put me to sleep.

What instruments are used: A string instrument.

How many stars out of five: Definitely a 5/5 its a great song I just absolutely love it.

By Kaitlyn


Big Thursday Art

hello, Today i’ve finished my character and my character’s mood board.

This is what it looks like:

Hope you have a nice day goodbye!!


Today I have a competition for everyone on the blog. Grab your biggest teddy bear and post a photo of you holding it!

This is my biggest teddy bear:

Let me know what your biggest teddy bear is!!

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