
Last week all the P5-7s went to spend three days at Galloway Activity Center (GAC) for their residential. We had to camp. for two nights. I guess it was a little fun but we had to share a tent with two other people, unless you were me i only had to share with one other person : )

On the first day it was all land sports/ activities

There was Archery and Laser tag. We all got split into two groups so there wasn’t too many people doing one thing at once. My group started at Archery, It was very strait forwards. We got split into even smaller teams for Archery. Our instructor the told us how to be safe with the bow and how to stand with it. He then said we needed arm protectors just in case the string came back and hit you on the arm (The arm protectors were old wet-suit arms…. He said he liked to recycle)! Once we were finished we then swapped and went onto doing Laser tag! All of us got split into two teams again… We followed one of the staff members into one of the rooms where you get equipped with your head band and Laser gun. >:D We then got leaded to our sides  and then waited for the count down for when to start. I didn’t mention this but you have ten lives and you can only do head shots to get people out!

  On the second day it was water sports

I cant fully remember what we did on the second day but I do know that we did paddle boarding! We were lead down to the water where all the paddle boards were. Then did some warm ups, got told the safety rules, how to paddle it, how to sit and then we got a partner. I am not keen on the water even though we had life jackets on…. my partner didn’t care about the water….. they constantly kept shaking the board. I did have a good time though. I would recommend going paddle boarding! 😀

On the last day we did a mix of sports/ activities ( I’m getting mixed up with the days)

We got split into groups again and I started the day with the water slide! It was amazing! We all had to get into the wet-suits again but I was having to much fun I didn’t mind them. Then it was rock climbing, I very much enjoy rock climbing I have had a lot of experience with it! Then we did the best thing THE 3G SWING! >:D…. I think most people enjoyed it except maybe a few people. The basic idea is there is a big swing like contraption. You are held onto a metal bar by a harness…. suspended in the air just by this thick metal clip and ring. you are then lifted in the air really high… and then you are let go so you swing in the air! After that we did dragon boat racing which was not fun what so ever, mostly because we were competing against another school but anyways… Trying to get your team in time with each other is HARD!

To sum everything up I had a lot of fun and it sucks it was my first and last residential here at holywood… Well here is some photos that people took while we were away:

Clay pinch pot monsters!

Hello, last Thursday we made clay monsters. Today I’m going to  describe what my monster looks like and you have to guess witch one is mine:

~My monsters name is Munchers

~He has three really long tongues

~Munchers has a dragons tail with small spikes

~He has three small eyes

~And chapped lips

(I don’t know if i should tell you but I’ve decided what the colours are going to be……I’m not going to tell you!)

Most people will already know witch one it is but take a guess!

By Kaitlyn

The Rise of the Wolves

Hey, I’ve been reading The Rise of the Wolves! Its set on the island of Nin, in Scotland. The three main characters are a young boy named Innis, A young girl named Kat and another young boy named Lachlan. First Innis is walking back home when he hears a howl. He thought it was just someone messing with him until he hears another one, and this time he knew it wasn’t a person. He started to walk again, until he saw a silhouette of a wolf! And that’s just one of the main events. The next one is where Innis manages to get back to his house where we find his granddad. we then learn that Innis’s parents don’t work on the island therefore Innis doesn’t see them that much. Then we find out that Innis’s granddad has Parkinson’s disease. Innis then goes up a hill with Kat  where Innis finds the Bonnie laddie’s leap! This is where Bonnie prince Charlie jumped over a indent in the side of a cliff, to escape the soldier that were chasing him.

By Kaitlyn


Hello, I’m going to tell you what microbes are. Microbes are microscopic the kinds of microbes are fungi, bacteria and viruses, there is lots more but we are only learning about those three.

Fungi is the biggest microbe we know and the virus is the smallest. Here is some of the microbes:

Mycobacterium form of bacteria

mycobacterium is the bacteria that causes tuberculosis(TB) its one of the top ten causes of death worldwide.

Penicillium form of fungus

penicillium is the fungus that produces the antibiotic penicillin.

Lymphocryptovirus a form of virus

This causes an illness known as the kissing disease or glandular fever transmission requires close contact.

This is only a small amount of microbes!

By Kaitlyn

Where am I?

Today were hiding dinosaurs! Now you have guess where I’ve put my dino!

NO clues or hints!

Basically the same thing as last time…!


Hello, I’m back to tell you about what we have been learning!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about world religions with a partner. Me and my partner have been learning about Islam. We have made a poster and are part way through making a model of a mosque!

In maths we have been learning how to add and subtract fractions. We have  been working out our new skills on Sumdog. 

We are learning how to use Soundtrap which is a online music program. Someone called John comes in once every other week to teach us how to use the program!

By Hannah and Kaitlyn 🙂 bye!

World Religions

hello, I’m back again and I’m going to talk about what we have been doing for IDL. We have been learning about world religions! You may think that it sounds boring but honesty its not that bad. Everyone is doing separate religions, the religions are Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Christianity and Hinduism! Me and my partner are learning about Islam, it is very interesting there’re lots to learn about Islam!


By Kaitlyn!

Daniel’s learning

We have been learning about how to do some hard questions in maths, also we’ve been learning about odd and even numbers. We also learnt more of the play songs. We are doing PE on Big Thursday. P6/7 have been making eco games.

Halloween day!

Hello, i’m back again. And i’m here to talk about Halloween day! There was soooo many costumes but they were all AMAZING! We started the day by looking at every ones costumes and deciding who’s was the best. Then we started to make spooky hats, so you would make a group and then all the spooky hats would have to match. Next we read a spooky story, then everyone made spooky wee book. Next we had a disco and played some games.

That was basically all that we did! But it was fun.

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