I have been looking for wildlife in my garden today – I saw a peacock butterfly and a wood pigeon. Have you seen any wildlife in your garden or from your window? If you have, I would love to see a photo on the blog even if it is just some ants or a blackbird or a bumble bee.  Mrs Madden.
Whittling 1
    This is the fallen sycamore tree where I’m, currently, getting my wood for whittling. It is much easier to whittle with green (fresh) wood rather than old dried wood because it is much softer. However, you do have to be careful not to bring it into a warm, heated environment (i.e. inside) too soon as it can dry too quickly and crack.
     This is the piece of wood I am using to make a spoon. As you can see, I have removed the bark and split the branch in half. There is a soft, pithy core in the middle of sycamore branches and this needs to be removed before you start whittling.
    I have made a template from a piece of an old cereal packet. I drew around my branch piece and cut it out then I folded the card and drew half my spoon and cut that out – this is so that the spoon will be symmetrical.
This is some of my whittling. I had hoped to do some whittling with some of you on Big Thursdays but now I’m going to have to show you on this blog.
This is the equipment I use. The banjo shaped thing is my seat, I have cut resistant gloves, some horse bandage to protect my thumb, a penknife, a small gouge and some sand paper.