The Lion king songs

We sang lion king songs in African it was so fun .  On Monday we adishond to see who wood get the parts in the show i adishond for zazu and Timon they are my fave ;D. But i never got the part. My fave was was Sam and Nia and mena and Tom.  my fave song from lion king is i just cant Waite to be king. On my maths assessment i got a 28. by ;D


Big Thursday .

On big Thursday  for P.E we done gymnastics me and Erin tried to do a head stand it was hard. After we done music with the drums…………………..

Big Thursday

On big Thursday we done P E with miss Jardine rounders  it was fun then we got the flu  done me and Erin whir scared.  Then we done drama we done the story  about the poor man we step it out it was so fun.  The we done out door leering me and Rhona and Skye Erin where in a grope. Then we done big read .

By Yasmin

Operation safety

Hi guys how are you all                                                                                          today p7 went  to DG1 to have a day of operation safety.   we ate snack then we went in to groups.  It was the police first, we wrote internet apps for each letter of the alphabet.  The police officer told us that the internet isn’t really safe.  Some things are for 13 year olds and you could see some bad stuff on there.  To stay safe you could not use the apps until you are 13 or stay SMART.

Then we went to the electric safety.  We shouldn’t touch broken wires.

Next there was an accident.  There was a women who was unconscious. there were wires and paint tools  on the floor., we had to move them out of the way.  We had to check her pulse.  Lift her leg off the chair.  Check if there was any sick in her throat or if her tongue had flipped over.


Big Thursday

On big Thursday mad   a cube  to shot at people Abigale and Erin and Jullien we all done team work me and Erin work together  and Abigail and Jullien work together and then it was drama me and Skye and Daniel were in a group and then we done PE. In PE we done capture the flag  and bat and ball then we done pop art it was so much fun.

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