Secondary school

On Tuesday we were getting organised getting ready for the first day of Secondary school Wallace hall.  at 8.15 the bus will arrive at that time we were going on the 246 bus to the high school I was a bit anxious of going on the bus but half way we were at Wallace hall waiting at the benches. When it was 9.15 we were put into groups of 4 and their was a lot of P7’s starting at Wallace hall this year.

We did PE first for the whole morning getting changed into our PE kits and getting back into our groups, I was group 1 there were not a lot of people in our group but it was fine. We did fitness by jogging in the hall and getting into groups and if it wasn’t the exact number for example 10 people in a group you would need to do a fitness like push ups then did a big game of capture the flag by capturing the other enemies side flag and bringing it back without getting caught and try not to get into jail, people can free you by coming to the jail and freeing you and that’s PE for break.

At break we were playing and chatting at the benches we were waiting for our group so when break was up we went into English class and did a timetable challenge where we need to go about the school trying to find the classes by the ground and the number in order it was tireing but we still did it after that tireing challenge we went to lunch and it was filled with the P7’s and secondary students their wasn’t any room so I ate my lunch quickly and went outside for 50 minutes and having fun playing it.

When lunch was over we went back to the benches and went in our groups and when on the ground floor and went to Modern Langues that include History, Geography, Religion Education and Politics that is a lot. we did politics and doing a activate of spiting £100 to 7 big things happening and needed split it quality but when you did that you needed to take £30 pounds off £100 pounds we spilt it quality of £10 pounds and that would be £70.

After that the last thing we did was Maths our Teacher was call Mr Bell and wanted us to do a Ninja maths test of answering 3 easy, medium and hard questions and when I did that we only had 8 minutes to do and got a green belt I got 13 as my score and when Maths was finished.

I went home on the bus and had a fabulous day and come back on May.

By Esmae


Clay monsters MR demon

In Big Thursday we were making clay monsters and my guy I made is called Mr demon.

He’s usually faithful and valuable to monsters and tends to be on both sides.

He has tentacles and sharp teeth and can’t stand probably, he’s 100,000 years old and cant die he’s super op and lives in the desert and thats all about my monster.


We are doing ERIC and I am reading VOYAGE of the SPARROWHAWK this story takes place in in England in world war 1919. The main characters are Ben and Lotti Ben is the main one that lived in a orphanage with Sam  he lives in the Sparrow hawk and Lotti is the one that stole the dog Federico from Malachy Campbell the most famous crook.

In chapter one Lotti sneaks in with Federico in the Sparrow Hawk and Nathan the one that is in charge of the Sparrow Hawk and takes care of Sam and Ben dies 8 months ago when Sam was in the Hospital and Sam went missing.

Chapter 2 when Lotti stole Malachy dog Federico and how she stole it.

Chapter 3 when Lotti’s uncle and auntie looked after her because her mom and dad were a way on holiday when Lotti was sick and they died in a plane crash.

And thats what happens about VOYAGE of the SPARROW HAWK.

By Esmae


Hello in learning, we have been doing our World Religions for weeks doing our tasks with your partner. First we were doing our posters about what Religion you got with your partner then ether a Diorama or a model. First you would need information and interesting facts about your Religion and picture/drawings that matches and will be able to see clearly, then colour and then you will be finished.

When you finished that ether a diorama or a model mainly you should start with a model but you can start a diorama if you want, With a model you need to make the main building of the Religion for example Judaism the Synagogue the worship of Judaism, its hard because it needs a lot of detail and you need to make the main stuff inside as well making it challenging and longer like a decade well not like that but a month it would take.

And for a diorama you need to make a festival with information about the festival,  the people and colour to make it a perfect Festive diorama for the Religion you’ve got and that’s it mainly for World religions bye.

By Esmae

World Religions

Today, we have been trying to finish our World Religion posters, none us have but close to finishing it. My partner and I are doing Judaism we need pictures, colour and a little more information. But we are doing alright with it it makes sense and that its everyone’s is amazing as well and thats all.

By Esmae

Big Thursday

On Big Thursday there were 3 new Big Thursday actives Textiles/Fashion, Art and Computer science but different. First it was computer science, you would go on a computer to a BBC game where you would use your keyboard to practice how to type fast. The game learned us how to use the home row/ the middle keys we’ve gotten a lot better at typing.

Then after break was Art, we learned what a zero point perspective where you would be looking forward at mountains, trees, rocks and bridges, you would use shading, colouring, detail and distance, we were drawing the view of the mountains, trees, rocks and bridges everyone’s were very good.

Then after lunch, we did PE where we were doing Kiva, we played some games first funny faces and it. Then we did a map with a partner tracking the cones and counting the numbers in our heads to get the total number, Then a game with a partner where you need a partner to go first to stabilise the sheet to any number on the fence, then comeback and then you go but the same one your partner just went to. Then the last game where you needed to go everywhere to get all numbers around the school until time is up my partner and me didn’t get all of them but that is alright.

Then last of all is Textiles/Fashion, where at first we were starting with sowing for beginners cross stitch and the running stitch, it wasn’t easy for me you needed to use a kind of fabric used for sowing and using a needle to sow as well and then it was home time.

By Esmae


On Monday, after break we went to the hall to do auditions for the show. We were in a circle with our scripts and now it started. We went through the script for the parts like Eddie the penguin or Narrator.

I auditioned for Pepper the poison dart frog and Rami the raccoon, I was a bit nervous but I still stood out.

Now on Tuesday it was time to get parts we wanted, I got Rami the raccoon frog, I kind of wanted pepper but it was okay and that was it

By Esmae

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