Sports day

On sports day, we did a running race, P7s we’re first, then P6, and so on, After that race, We did the skipping rope race, The same rotation, P7, I lost terribly at that race. Then we did the egg and spoon race, After that we did the sibling  race, I didnt do it though because i dont have a sibling in school, If you have a sibling in school then you can do the race, We then did the monkey race, And we finished with the relay race.

My Learning Last week

Hi, Mrs MC Nay was off last week, So we had to get Miss Dale and Mrs Jardine to come in until Mrs MC Nay came back. We also got our leavers hoodies that week.  We are going to tell you what happened. First thing on Monday we did spelling. Then we did a dinosaur project. On Wednesday, we did a blankety blank. Then we had to figure out facts about the Spinosaurus. Me and my partner Lewis. We only got a few facts correct.  On Thursday we did our normal stuff. We do 4 classes and the classes are Music, Outdoor learning, P.E, Computer science.

-Airen, Kye

My Learning

On Wednesday we did P.E and we did Parkour and we couldn’t do it outside because it was Very wet from the rain, On Thursday we did our final gymnastic day in P.E, it was very as we had the monkey bars out, it was very slippery so we had to put chalk on our hands to grip, and after we got off our hands we’re very red,

On Friday we did business groups, Im in the job group so i sharpened the pencils but we really regret doing it because we waste our time and people just reck the pencils, After that we did a big playground break

Another Thursday thing we did was, We made lava lamps out of oil, food coloring, water, and Vitamin C.

My Learning

Hi my name is airen, today i will speaking about my learning again,

We have been learning Spanish activitys recently, and we’re now doing body images today, We also did cursive hand writing, and on Big Thursday we did outdoor learning, we made art of of nature, Specifically with flowers, sticks, grass, rocks, etc, And after that we wnt inside to pack for home, We have finished our spanish activivity, goodbye!


My Learning!

Last week we started learning Spanish, we did certain countries about it and we did a map about it and put it on our wall, I did Barcelonas shop/ bar

On big Thursday, we did 2d animations, and we also did Treehouses, The bottoms of cars (I Did a treehouse)

We also have a quality improvement officer coming in next weem, Miss dale also asked me to type things for her down on the computer (Because im a reall fast typer.)


Parc Guell

Big woodland break

At big woodland break break, i played with Kohdie, we chilled at the field and chatted, we had a nice good, view of the field, We went down to the fallen tree, and Kohdie nearly fell off of the edge, him and Jayda and me, all laughed, I jumped onto the edge, and landed near the fallen tree, we all helped Kohdie get up, then we went back to our secret hideout spot, the fence, we call it our “Meetup Spot” its isn’t even that secret, its just near the field, if you go straight down you’ll probably see me or Kohdie there, or the both of us there.



These guys also we’re trying to balance on a seesaw

—By Airen

School stuff

Today in school it was snowing. Me and my friends kept sliding down the hills until lunchtime, and Kye made a giant snowball. I kept slipping up on the hill and it was SOOO funny, and Kye slide tackled me down the hill.  I kept slide tackling Owen, Daniel, Brody, it was very funny, then they slide tackled me down the hill and my gloves got covered in snow. I was cold, but funny, after Lunchtime was over, Kye pushed the giant snowball down the hill.

What we did this week in school!

On Tuesday we did Health class, with our health teacher, we did P.E activities and made games our self’s! me, Abigail, kye, it was a board running game, you have to run and we throw beanbags at you and if you get hit you go back the start

and start over again, if you don’t get hit you must get your partner into a wheelbarrow and run to the end without getting hit by beanbags, and reach kye at the end to win.
Friday! we did normal classes, did big read, we had big playground break!, at the end of the day, we got our parts for the Aladdin show!
it was so fun!

-Airen 11/21/2023

MSP Email!

Hello! my name is Airen, a couple weeks ago we emailed MSP’s.

We partnered up with P6’s and helped them send their emails to the MSP’s that they wanted to message!, I am messaging Emma Harper and I am waiting for her to reply!

Some of the P6/7’s got a reply already! By their MSP’s of course!

The Orangutan Hangs

Hello!  I am in the Orangutan Hang Group!
The Orangutan hang group is our group name/tribe name! We’ve made hats!, pictures!, Photos!, Etc! And we are currently making a raft!
And we have been cutting down willow leaves for it! And using grass to tie the willow together!

We also did a diorama! And i added labels!
And we tried finding howling monkey noises, But couldn’t.
We also have a rice instrument (it’s so satisfying to listen to)

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