My portrait of Merissa

M            memories come to mind of how

E            exceptional

R            recommendable

I            impressive

S            sensational

S            spell-binding you were

A            acting the Wicked Witch of the West in ‘The Wizard of Oz’!

Remember how taken with your hat Nathan was! That was a night to remember! You did Team Holywood proud Merissa!

All the best going forward!

Mrs N


My Portrait of Daisy

My Portrait of Daisy

D           delightful and dependable

A           active and and artistic

I           imaginative and creative

S           sensible and serene

Y           yummazing

Enjoy the next chapter of your school life, Daisy. Mrs N

Adios Charlie!



C         is for carefree, cool,  cheerful,  and creative

H         for happy-go-lucky, hilarious and hands -on and helpful

A          artistic and adventurous; always on the go

R          radiates energy and enthusiasm

L           lives life to the full! laughs a lot and brings life to the party

I           independent, interesting and imaginative

E        energetic, enthusiastic, entertaining and easy going

All the best in the next chapter of your life, Charlie.

Mrs N


Fishy Friday Recipe

Buenas tardes a todos!

So last night I attempted to post a recipe for a mouth watering fish curry recipe that could have come straight out of the Jewel In The Crown; halfway through it, my eyes refused to remain open…so sleepy!

Thought I would finish it off today but have had such a run-around on the computer that three hours later, I’ve lost my mojo!  In the meantime, thought I’d share the pictures that tell the story of my culinary mis-adventures.

Will get back to it…eventually. In the meantime, here’s a challenge:

Who can create a recipe based on the images; any takers?

  •  Identify the ingredients
  • Preparation
  • Method

Hasta luego a todos!

World Book Day 2020

What an exciting day we’ve had!  There were lots of interesting characters  and costumes.

I wasn’t going to miss out so I went dressed as…  Can anyone guess who my character is? a wee prize offered for the first correct guess…


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