My dino is a verry good hider hehehe !!!!!!
We are learning how to upload pictures and put pictures in a file .
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
HI! On big Thursday when we have been doing computing we were sending emails this Thursday and it was really fun and funny me and miss Pattie were sending emails about how we wanted a bacon roll for lunch and a bunch of emojis so that’s is what we did this Thursday it was lots of fun.
See ya
In math we have been doing fractions like this 3/7 but more complicated . More recently, we have been simplifying fraction, multiplying and subtracting fractions. Which is hard at first but after you understand it’s really easy . Miss S is the best math teacher ever she is so kind and when you need help she helps you ( and she gives us sumdog coins.).
Hi, recently Ori and me have been looking at the religion Hinduism and its really interesting. Miss Dale have given us a task sheet and we have to complete it and right now we are making a poster about Hinduism and its coming on quite well. Ori and I are a great partnership . We have some facts here’s one of them :
Did you know that Hindus believe that marriage is a sacred duty that god expects them to do?
Our School play is called Eddie the penguin saves the world and I’m Eddie I’m very excited that I got the part I worked all weekend learning a scene and I guess my hard work paid off . I think that Mena was very good as well . My friend also got the part she wanted Amy but sadly no one can come see us .
Give the dog a bone is my favorite math game . I like give the dog a bone because fun and says funny things . we play this in math with miss dale. We have also been learning even numbers and odd numbers .
In maths we are learning about open and closed and mulable chose questions . We are also learning how to make a spread sheet \ question air . We were doing it to collect our class data here’s what stuff were doing age,gender,how many siblings and stuff like that its fun .