curling with p6’s

P6’s went curling  on the first day back. We got on the buss at 11:00 and arrived there for average of 11:30.Wen we first got there we got told to go and take a seat and place our bags/ pack lunches. After that we were pout into groups with numbers my number was 6. I was in a group with only one person in my group from our school and 3 boys and 2 girls including me. Then we started first thing we done was practise curling .But after lunch we were just playing games first 2,3 not games and then we played 2games. Not’s and crosses with bean bags and jenga. then we got are bags and went back on the buss.


back to school

3 Days ago we were on holiday and we are not exited to be back. I was only exited to see my friends and harder math’s. school is bad I tried to face sick so I didn’t have to come to school but I got told to go anyway. yesterday we done graffiti art and made hot are balloons had our goals for this year. [p6]

last week of school

This Is the Holywood report card made by students!!!


good things?


Math’s/ this term  math’s has been really challenging and fun.

P.E/ This year has been really Exciting and fun to do but sadly our teacher left to have her baby.

After school clubs/ All after school clubs are really fun my favourite is football and gymnastics.


dislikes/get better?


Water slide day/ Water slide day really not fun all you do is get burns from the tarp.

Writing/ I really don’t like writing because all the stuff if really not fun the only good part is wen we learn new words .


Burger day

At school we made burgers for to night because it is celebrating that its nearly the holiday’s. We made 3 different cines of burgers there was. Turkey burger, Beef burger and the vegie burger. Only two that I liked and it was the turkey burger and the beef burger. I ended up with lodes of not round burgers so we did not use them though.   



Environment Day at Hollywood

On environment day we had different stalls and they where all fun the funnest one was when there was different bottles and we made plant holders and made pen holders. in Mrs Jardens we done food miles some people made pizza and some were on the Miss Stapleton’s class we had thing from sandy hills and they where numbered and we had to sort them in to should be there and what should not be there. At Mrs Brocydonald’s we where sorting out are rubbish from the bins and had been there for a week. The final one was with Mrs Dales and we where sorting out plastic and other objects so we sorted them on how long it would take to dissolve .

Art compotation

On Big Thursday we are doing a art competition. They are going to take one piece of the art  we have been working on and they will vote on they’re  favorite and It will be pout in a calendar and selled all around the world so every on can see  are art. Its a competition but p1-3 are doing dragons and p4-7 are doing spark flicker flame.

big Thursday

On Thursday we al had different subjects because some were beater than overs I will miss steam but we have a shed with all the fings we use to do it .atlest we still P.E and art.


we started doing kiva and it is to try to stop bullying we have got to are 4th session. are firs rule is we treat every one with respect. kiva is fun we learn stuff about bullying stop bullying


Mountain hill walk

The hill walk was epic we loved it cause of the cave and                                                                                              the view. When we got to the top Charlie kissed the ground.

the cave was the best because it was dark and it has a lot of room.

by Charlie and Aidan

my Christmas holiday

On Christmas I woke up at 2 in the morning and stayed up all night on my tablet watching YouTube and I was watching lisps leaf. just After 6.00 I went with my sister and woke up my mum and dad and went down stirs to peek at all the present.

By Aidan



ok after we shopped for stuff on Dec 24th we seen something weird a BOX!!! that had a message that was DONT OPEN UNTIL DEC 24TH!! form Santa





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