Mesolithic Scotland and clan meet

A few weeks ago we started a topic called Mesolithic Scotland. It was really really funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. But there was still a couple of things that I found boring like going up the woods and some thing about the clan meet. The clan meet was a bit weird because I don’t like having a big audience.(I hate being in front of people doing things)its really embarrassing. sooo here are some of the pictures from the clan meet.



this is some of my friends doing there drama scenes.



this is people sending there letters to the fire god.

Ancient scotland

We have been learning about Mesolithic Scotland.its been pretty boring we have all been up the woods from pretty much since we came back to school.we have been doing this for about 3 weeks.A couple of weeks ago i help make black berry and raspberry jam i think it was really good we also made some bread with it it was also really good.We also made nettle soup i didn’t want to try some because i hate nettles as they are.On Friday we get to make bow and arrows out of wood and string.(i think anyway)so anyways when we came back to school i turned p,7 i really done feel like i’m in primary 7 i still feel like i’m in p,6.

First day of home school

Yesterday was my first day of home school I use mostly the same daily times table.Even tho it’s only my second day of home school I’m not enjoying it apart from the fact that we can wear what ever we want and I can ride my bike and play basketball and all that.My mum printed a lot of maths sheets and I have only done 3 so fare my dad also printed some .Im laying in bed right now because my hayfever is back but I’m doing good.Im also missing all my friends I’ll be back but I’m out. By Aidan🤪🤪

Science Afternoon

Last Monday miss dale told us that she had a trio coming in to do science after lunch…So I got really exited because Love science I couldn’t wait . After we all had lunch we had to whate a wile but they got here eventually. After we got the equipment ready our teacher gave three people a letter A,B,C those people got asked questions abot the experiment.


Tornadoes are among the most violent storms on earth due to the damage it can cause to people and buildings.

How tornadoes are caused?

the hot weather super heats the ground and it causes the heat to rise. When the hot are meets cold air that causes storm clouds. This can cause thunder, lightning and rain it can also cause an air explosion. That starts the wind turning. Then it forms into a funnel and below the storm clouds is a Tornadoes.

Christmas morning Rhys and Aidan

On Christmas morning I got to wake my mum and dad up at 6:00 and went down stairs and opened the door and  saw all of my presents and my overflowing stocking. So I started to look in my stocking and I couldn’t get in it because there was a massive jawbreaker and a really cool shock pen and made my dad jump and it was Hillarie’s. My favorite present was my Airpods they are Bluetooth headphones and they play music and you can talk to siri.It was also a very exiting for me


Dragon days p1-7

  This is our school show we have been working on for 3 or 4 week’s. We have already had I part of the show and there is 2 more to go. People were very nervous on the first  night but got the hang of it. These our the plumbers of Stumbledorf that save the toilets and when the toilets are blocked call toiletbustres.


Drama in Holywood

In drama we have been making mini plays in groups of 5 with miss Stapleton with characters our one was ending up with a hit man in it and was paid to kill the professor to then kill the man that owned the mansion and was murdered. The game was called murder mystery we have also been playing wink murder. So its wen there’s a detective and a murder its called wink murder because the murder has to wink at the other people in the game and make a dramatic death and you get 3 chances to guess who the murderer is.

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