Christmas Holidays!

Before the Christmas holidays we had a Christmas party at school. The games we played were solve the Christmas card problem, pass the parcel, Christmas corners, musical bumps and musical chairs. Who ever got to open one of the wraps they got to get a drink and food first. It is Sarah.For my Christmas I got a towel/dressing goune and Pokémon cards, rubbers that smell nice. On December the 30th


By Cleo and Sarah

Learning at Holywood

At Holywood I have been learning about things that involve science. I didn’t learn a lot about science in my last school,  all we learned about was space,  light bulbs, the body and magnets. On Friday the 16th we are doing a science festival at 2pm and I love science I just haven’t done a lot of it. We are all doing a poster about science but the P7 are doing a safety poster? I don’t know but me Sarah and Daisy are doing a poster about Holywood for people to se the poster and say REALLY in a good way. We learn a lot of fun things at Holywood.

From Cleo

October Holidays

On the holidays on the first week of it on  we had days of but on the weekend I went to my Grans house for 2 sleepovers also Rory came. For the first day of the sleepover we all went to the underground bit where the bridge is and the tour guy told us about how people used to live down there. I was CREEPED out because the tour guy told us that there can be a ghost and the ghost is called Mr. Boots. The tour guy said he likes these kind of shoes: snickers, converse  and P.E. shoes. The tour guy said some times you can feel him playing with your shoe laces. For the second week I went to my friends house and her name is Kloe. She is my bests friend in the universe. I asked my mummy if I can bring my computer there and she said of course. When I got there we played some games on our computers then her Mum gave us ATON of sweets. We were both happy BUT Kloes little cousin cam and he’s not aloud the sweets we have. SO we had to sneak and Kloe and I were tricking him by saying look over there there’s a unicorn and he looked away then we got the sweets and her cousin said I don’t see a unicorn then me and Kloe laughed our heads of. After I went to my friends house Mummy, Robert, Rory and I went to the cinema to go see bohemian  rhapsody. I did cry because Freddie  mercury said I might not have a lot of time left and at the end it said when Freddie died. I LOVE the band its just sad to not see Freddie but I have seen a concert of queen and it was FUN.  Well that’s all I can remember.

From Cleo

My first post

My name is Cleo. I have just moved to Holywood  but I came from North West Community Campus. I moved because it was to big!

The things that are different are this is my first post! I started at this school yesterday. Also the other different stuff about this school is its much more small and there’s not as much people as there was in North West Community Campus.

What we did at North West Community Campus was Georges marvoulse medicne and space for our topics. We also done beat maths in the morning. Then we all went to St Ninians. We done the same things as we done at North West. I still didn’t like it because we were going back to North West in 6 months. I don’t really like crowds.  Also the playground was a playground NOBODY HAVE EVERY SEEN BEFORE! IT WAS THAT BIG! The teachers didn’t even like it so it was a terrible life fro all of us but how could the community make the ice bowl but not the school? My teachers were Mr. forsyth, Miss. limend , Mrs Mecrocren and Kelly. We done a lot of art and less of other things. my favrouite subjects were maths and art because we done them EVERY DAY! That’s all for me. bye


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