A little bit more than 5 facts, but an information leaflet about microbes!
By Cleo!
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Hi everyone.
I’ve done all the work on fractions and finding unit and non-unit fractions. I really got the hang of it and found the trickier ones quite easy in the end. I’ve done a spicy 5-a-day every day this week as well. I’ve also completed one of the extreme dot-to-dots. It looks like a very pretty sun or flower pattern.
I’ve had a look at the microbe presentation and started writing out the information for the information leaflet. I then did the word search, because I love word searches!
I also wanted to introduce a new family member and use this to do some writing.
This is my bearded dragon called Zen and I will be telling you a bit about him and a bit about bearded dragons.
Bearded dragons originally came from Australia. They can be found in dry, rocky semi desert regions and dry open woodlands. This means they need a warm, dry vivarium to live in, with special lighting to mimic the sun. They require 2 different lights to achieve this. One to give UVB lighting. UV allows the dragon to make Vitamin D, which is required as it allows the dragons body to absorb calcium properly. The other light is to give heat because they are cold blooded and need to bask to warm up. Not keeping them with the right lighting or temperature can lead to health issues especially with their bones.
Zen is 3 years old so he is an adult. He needs to eat lots of green vegetables like crispy salad and rocket and then has live bugs 3 times a week. He also needs supplements that include calcium.
Zen hates mirrors or his reflection. He will go and look at one and go into defence mode. He will expand his beard and it will turn black while bobbing his head up and down. It is currently bearded dragon breeding season, so they are all extra sensitive right now. We had to hide the mirror because it can stress them out when seeing another bearded dragon. They like to bob their head up and down to say they are the boss. They are solitary animals. People do try and keep them together, but they really shouldn’t as they can really harm each other.
He likes to go around licking different things like clothes, people and his decorations/house in his enclosure. Bearded dragons like to lick different objects, plants or people because that is their way of feeling different textures. They will also stick their tongue out to smell their surroundings better.
Bearded dragons have a third eye that detects shadows and movement. It isn’t like an actual eye ball, but a small organ on the top of his head. This is because they are a prey species and this helps them detect movement of predators above them. When we try pet Zen on his head, he will sometimes close his eye – this is him saying no thank you, I’m not a fan of that.
Zen loves to sleep. We turn all the lights out at night time. This is to mimic the day and night cycle where bearded dragons come from. It gets a lot cooler during the night and their bodies need this cycle to have proper body function. We like to put him to bed at half eight and wake him up at eight to half eight.
Stay safe everyone!
Bye for now
I completed the Sumdog challenge
As part of health and well being we discussed feelings when we went out on a walk.
It’s important to talk about how you feel!
I’ve had a look at the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic.
The biggest difference is that the Arctic is sea surrounded by land while the Antarctic is land surrounded by sea. This is the main reason behind a lot of the differences.
In the Arctic during the summer they have 24 hours of daylight. When the Arctic is having 24 hours of daylight the Antarctic is experiencing 24 hours of dark. During the winter they swap round. The Arctic has 24 hours of dark whereas the Antarctic has 24 hours of daylight. While it is summer in the Arctic, it is winter in the Antarctic and vice versa.
The Arctic has had the highest temperature recorded at 13 degrees and the lowest at minus 43. The Antarctic has only had a highest temperature of minus 12 and a lowest of minus 62. This is because the Antarctic is much, much higher above sea level than the Arctic and the higher up you go the colder it gets.
The landscapes are different as well. The Arctic has big rivers, mountains, flat land and tundra. The Antarctic is 98% covered in ice so is made up of icy mountains, glaciers and smooth sheet ice. There isn’t any big rivers and none that flow all year round.
In the Arctic there is a good range of plant life and this is mostly found on the tundra. In the Southern Arctic there can be 80-100% of the tundra ground covered in plant life. There is lot less plant life in Antarctica. Only about 1% of Antarctica is ice free allowing plants to grow. This is usually on islands and on exposed rocks. Some of the plants, which are lichens, have to grow inside the rocks.
The Arctic has a wide range of land animals. including reindeer, musk ox, lemmings, arctic hares, arctic terns, snowy owls, squirrels, arctic fox and polar bears. The animals live spread out as there isn’t enough resources to support them living close together. Carnivores will have a wide territory. In the Antarctic the biggest land only animal is a midge. Most animals that live there spend a good amount of time in and around the water. This includes penguins, seals and other birds. There can be areas where the wildlife lives quite close together.
There are many different indigenous people that live in the Arctic and the permanent population in the Arctic is about 4 million people. The Antarctic has a permanent population of 0. It does get tourists and people going to visit science centres, but no one stays for the whole winter.
I hope you all had an amazing day
Bye for now
Hi everyone!
I’ve been doing lots of fractions! My head is full of fractions. I’ve done all the work on equivalent fractions and now finished all the work on simplifying fractions. I’ve got really good at simplifying them. I think I’ve got the hang of it and now will be attempting the Sumdog challenge. I already did a bit but wanted more practice before I did more. I’ve also done my 5-a-day spicy level. I thought I was stuck on one question but my Mum was helping Rory with something. I realised I could do it and didn’t need help after all. I also did the first Sudoku. We are starting to be a bit Sudoku mad in this house now! I’ve got a Sudoku app.
I did a piece of writing about being away for Christmas. I planned it all out before I wrote it.
For Christmas 2019 we travelled to Aviemore to stay in a hotel for Christmas day. It was me, Rory, my Mum and Dad. We travelled by car and it was about 4 hours traveling time.
On Christmas morning I woke up with joy knowing it was Christmas. I was over the moon to open my presents. Me and Rory both opened Santa’s presents first. My favourite present from Santa was a Toki Doki unicorn with a hippocampus tail. It was blue with a golden tail, golden horn, and a beautiful diamond on her side. I decided to name her Diemealia.
After opening all the presents from Santa we all went to the restaurant in the hotel. I stuffed my face with croissants because they tasted delicious! I had 4 croissants. I had some fruit just to stay healthy as well. After breakfast we all headed back to the room to open the rest of the presents. My favourite present I got from my parents was a game called Pokemon Shield. I love Pokemon and I was delighted when I saw that they got me it.
Suddenly we saw 5 reindeer outside the hotel. There was 1 white reindeer and 4 hazel brown reindeer. It turned out they were Santa’s reindeer. We walked outside to go and meet the reindeer. I was able to stroke them. Their coats felt like velvet. I love reindeer a lot. They are one of my favourite animals.
We went back to our room and sat down to rest for a bit because we were about to go swimming. My Dad didn’t want to swim so only my Mum, Rory and I left the room after about an hour rest. Swimming is one of my favourite sports. I used to go to swimming class, but it got a bit boring because I already knew how to swim. I swam around like a dolphin a lot. There was a bigger pool and a smaller one. We were allowed in both, but we stayed in the bigger one for most of the time. There were only 1 or 2 other people there so we had a lot of space. The smaller pool had a slide that was yellow and brown. It was quite a small slide.
After swimming for about an hour or so we went back to the room and dried off. For Christmas dinner Rory and I had a buffet while our parents had a traditional Christmas dinner. There was a lot of delicious food. I ate mountains of food because I was famished. I had 3 plates that left me stuffed. My parents ordered me a dessert that had a hard honey glass bit on top that you had to break and the inside tasted soft and creamy. It tasted like heaven.
That evening we all went to the cinema that was in a hotel next door to the one we were staying in. The cinema room was massive! It was dark and cavernous. The movie we went to see was Star wars: Rise Of Skywalker. I’m not always into Star Wars, but I did enjoy the movie. After the interesting movie we watched we were heading back to the hotel and we realised there were fireworks going off. We decided to watch the firework display before heading inside. The fireworks were bright and loud.
The day had been busy and exhausting.To finish our day off we all got back to the room and watched tv while going to sleep.
We have watched an episode of Horrible Histories today as it’s one of Rory’s favourite shows right now.
I hope you are all well and keep safe! Keep smiling.
Cleo x
Hello everyone! Cleo here. Today I will be sharing a bit of work I’ve been doing.
I read the Arctic research page and did some more research myself. I answered the questions.
1. The UK is doing a lot of research in the Arctic. The United Kingdom is made up of Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. There is also a group of countries doing international Arctic research – this is made up of 8 countries surrounding the Arctic. They are Canada, Kingdom of Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the US.
2. Adapt: If you adapt to something you change your behaviour or ideas to deal with it successfully.
Periglacial: Relates to a part of an area in a frozen or ice covered region.
Thaws: If snow,ice or something frozen thaws, it melts.
Commercial: Either involving or relating to buying and selling goods.
Sustainable: It is able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
3. Two areas of research they are focusing on are: How are we able to improve our prediction of what will happen to the Arctic in the future? What is causing the extremely fast changes in the Arctic?
4. Marine research in the Arctic relates to Scotland. There are signs the melting of the ice is affecting the seas surrounding Scotland, which is affecting the fishing industry. Cold water fish catching has halved in the last 30 years and it is predicted the North seas will become 20% less productive.
5. I would like to do more research on wildlife at Holywood. I would like to monitor numbers of certain species that were spotted in the school grounds. It would be interesting to do this over multiple seasons to see how the changes in weather would affect numbers and sightings.
I did the Broons again, this time I’ve done the Scots version and added in all the punctuation and speech marks.
“Come on, you lot!” nagged Grandpaw.“Pit yer auld clothes in this case for the bramlin’!”
“Why can we no’ jist wear oor auld clothes tae the but an’ ben?” One o’ the Twins asked.
“Because ye’re no goin’ doon Glebe Street dressed in rags. That’s why!” stated Maw Broon.
“Awa’ for the weekend Mrs. Broon?” questioned the neighbour.
Maw Broon replied,”Er….yes. We’re just taking a break, up at our country cottage.”
That afternoon they arrived at the cottage. “Here we are!” announced Grandpaw. “We’d better turn in early the nicht. We’ll be up at the crack o’ dawn for the berries the morn’!”
Next morning Grandpaw was yelling, “Rise an’ shine, a’body! Let’s get at thae brambles!”
In the brambles Henry spotted something. “Is that a berry bug doon there?” he checked.
“Na, it’s jist the Bairn!” Paw Broon responded.
“Just as well we’ve got oor auld togs on eh, Maggie?” stated Maw Broon.
“Yes! These thorns would rip our tights to shreds!” replied Maggie.
Later that day Grandpaw called, “That’ll dae, a’body!” We’ve got enough now tae mak’ a few pounds o’ jam!”
Paw Broon hurried Grandpaw on, “Come on, Paw! We’re gaspin’ for a cup o’ tea!”
“Aye, get yer key oot an’ open the door!” Hen agreed.
“Oh no!” ,Grandpaw excalimed, ” I’ve left my keys in my guid breeks an’ they’re still inside!”
“Well, well, if it’s no’ the Broons back from their country cottage. Ha-ha!” mocked the neighbour a short while later.
“Whit a disgrace!” the Bairn thought.
I wanted to share this picture of Gherkin, our biggest mantis. She is an Indonesian Double Shield (Pnigomantis Medioconstrica). She’s very chilled out and curious.
I’m now off to do some Epic reading.
I hope you all had an amazing day and keep smiling because it’s contagious!
By Cleo
Hello everybody! I’ve have been quite a busy bee the last couple of days.
I’ve been doing a lot of maths. I started with the word problems and my favourite one was the one about the mantis. I did struggle on a few but I got there. I did the spicy Five-a-day which I found quite easy. I just struggled on the last question. I did the rounding the numbers challenge and I did it in 2 minutes. It was very easy.
I did the harder sudoku. Sudoku is quite a challenge when starting off but when you get the hang of it you find it quite easy. I really enjoyed doing them.
I did quite a bit of literacy and I found the Scots quite hard surprisingly. I started with translating my favourite books blurb into Scots.
There ur stories that ge ya the fear.
An there ur the murk and the disturbing Creepypasta stories that wid make ye freaked oot. The Creepypasta Collection is an unsettlin anthology o’ terror, foo a’ nichtmares and dangerous beasties—fae unearthly supernatural beings to murderously disturbed. Sa lock yer doors, check unner yer bed, turn oan aw tha lights, and get ready fur a pure dead mental, up-aw-night journey into the hert a’ darkness.
It’s a creepypasta anthology full of modern urban legends and scary stories. I do enjoy the creepypasta book it’s just that it is quite terrifying. I do get quite feart but I enjoy it.
Afterwards I translated the Broons into English.
Come on, you lot! Put your old clothes in this case for the bramble picking trip!
Why can we not just wear our old clothes to the cottage?
Because you’re not going down Glebe street dressed in rags that’s why!
Away for the weekend, Mrs Brown?
Er…Yes, we’re just taking a break up at our country cottage.
Here we are. We’d better turn in early tonight. We’ll be up at the crack of dawn for the berries tomorrow morning.
Rise and shine everybody! Lets get to picking brambles.
Is that a berry bug down there?
No, it’s just the kid!
Just as well we’ve got our old clothes on. Eh Maggie?
I finished my day with a bit of Sumdog spelling. It was very easy because it gave me quite easy words to spell.
I hope you all had a great day and stay safe!
From Cleo
Hello everyone! Cleo here. Today I will be talking about some learning I did.
I watched Perfect Planet. We watched the underwater one and it connects to what I wrote about the Arctic yesterday. It mentioned the ice melting and how it’s dumping more water into our oceans and affecting the currents. It’s quite sad. Here are 3 facts I learned from the show.
Marine iguanas can hold their breath under water for 30 minutes. This allows them to graze on their food of seaweed.
Whales can lie back and open their mouths and let the panicking fish jump straight into their mouth. An easy meal!
Lemon sharks go to the mangroves to lay their eggs. The mother gives birth in same place she was born. The babies go further into the mangroves and stay there for 2 years, while they practice hunting.
I also did Five-a-day (Spicy of course!). I kind of struggled on the last question but I got there in the end. I also did the medium Sudoku, and I was a bit nervous because I have never done a Sudoku before. The more I did the more I got the hang of it and I actually enjoyed doing it. SPOILER ALERT- Here is my completed puzzle.
I hope you all have a good day and stay safe!
From Cleo.
I’ve re-written the paragraph about Arctic Animals and how climate change is affecting them.
Many different living animals or plants respond differently to climate change. Some animals react quickly and change things such as behaviour. Others change things they do slowly to cope with the changes. Animals that live in the Arctic have already got to cope with difficult weather so climate change problems make it extra difficult for them. Climate change is making different animals move to areas of the arctic they wouldn’t usually live. This affects the animals that are already living there as they aren’t used to sharing their home with those animals.
The amount of birds in the Arctic is getting less each day because of climate change. Birds go to the Arctic to nest because there aren’t many predators. However now that the ice is melting and there’s more green land the number of predators is going up and birds are having their eggs stolen more often. Birds are migrating to the Arctic earlier because of temperature change.
The change in temperature is making icy layers in the snow which makes it hard for reindeer to feed. This means they will starve and more will die.
You can only find polar bears in the Arctic. This means climate change can make them go extinct. Every part of a polar bear’s life has been affected. They hunt on the sea ice for seals and this is melting, making polar bears go hungry. Changes in the snow changes how they can breed. Polar bears are at the biggest risk from all these changes.
Hello everyone! Its Cleo. I hope your all getting on well and having a great time. Anyways onto what I’ve been getting up to.
I did the Star Wars apostrophe PowerPoint. Then I wrote my own piece about my favourite film. Here is what I wrote.
My favourite movie is Coraline. The movie Coraline is about a girl who moves to a new house. Coraline’s parents are always busy with work. She has to entertain herself. She finds a secret door and decides to go check it out but there’s a brick wall behind it. At night when she’s sleeping she is awoken by a noise. She sits up and sees mice and they take her to the door, which is now no longer bricked up… If you want to know what’s next, I advise you watch the movie. It’s great! I like the movie because it’s got a bit of a creepy vibe to it and I’m obsessed, and I mean OBSESSED with button eyes. There’s just something amazing about button eyes. There’s a lot of button eyes involved in the film.
I also read the Scottish Graphic novel, I then did the Scottish word task. Here are the sentences I came up with.
Do you ken where the shop is?
Please could you take the bairnie to school?
My cat Zorro was too feart to fight our other cat Jasper.
I took my snochter-dichter out my pocket to blow my nose.
The popular girls were haiverin about other people’s business.
Our mantis are all numpties when it comes to taking them out.
If you staun up straight in rollerblades you start rolling backwards.
The boy blootered the ball across the football pitch.
For children’s metal health week what we did was draw 6 boxes and Mummy would give us an emotion. First we would pick a colour that we connected with that emotion, then we would have to write that emotion down. She gave us 2 minutes and we would have to draw a picture about that emotion. After 2 minutes was up we talked about what we drew and what that feeling or emotion meant to us. Here is what I drew.
I need to do some maths to finish off. That’s all for today. Hope you all have a fantastic week and stay safe!
From Cleo
Hello everyone! Cleo here.
I’ve been doing more maths. I did spicy Five-a-day again and I completed them in 5 minutes. I also simplified the medium difficulty algebra. It took me a bit longer but I manged to complete it all correctly.
I drew a Ryu (Japanese dragon) and Mum asked me to find out some facts about them.
The Japanese dragon also known as the Ryu or Tatsu is a mythical animal from Japan. Ryuu or Ryu stands for dragon or imperial in Japanese. The Ryu looks a bit like a sea serpent, but it flies instead of swimming. The Ryu is related to the Chinese long and Korean Yong. Some Ryu’s can hide in water, take human form, form clouds, turn into water, change colour to camouflage into their surroundings and they can glow in the dark. It’s quite amazing! The differences between the Korean dragon, Chinese dragon and the Japanese dragon is the Chinese dragon has five claws while Korean dragons have four and the Japanese dragon have three.
We discussed kindness as a family and looked at the boards from the underground. We came up with actions and words to show kindness towards other people. I then made a poster of things that make me smile and hopefully other people smile with phrases to spread kindness.
I hope you all had a great day and remember to smile at someone each day because smiling is contagious!
By Cleo