learning Spanish

for 2 weeks have been learning Spanish. We have been learning about the celebrations in Spain and there hobbies and how to pronounce their food and about Spain it has been very fun. We got to play hobby bingo when we where learning about their hobbies. In Spain they have the worlds biggest tomato fight it is cauld la tomatina. By Rhys

things to know about the coronavirus

The coronavirus is a new disease it is a bit like the flu but we do not have a cure for it but the best thing to do is to wash your hands. You should wash your hands for two minuets or sing happy birth day two times. It mostly effects adults and elders but kids can still get it. there are about 40 conformed cases in the uk there is one conformed case in Scotland. But keep on washing your hands.

drama at holywood

in drama we have been playing murder mystery and we where playing winky murder. in winky murder somebody gets chosen to be the murder and somebody gets chosen to be the detective and the detective has to go outside of the room then when you have chosen the murder the everybody sais detective detective there’s going to be a murder then the murder bilks or winks at you then you have to act dead the murder gets 2 shots at guessing who the murder is.


on Friday the 20th. We went to newlanerk all day we had the exspearince of Victorian time school it was fun. He shouted al lot then we went on the Annie mcloud ride then we went to have launch after we got to play at the park. Later we went in to the workers corteges. Then we went into the shop I bot a slinky and two packets of skittle.

History Learning

We went to Caelavarock castle. We had to do different tasks. We all got put in different groups, our first task was to wear clothes. They would have been worn back then. We had to get pictures taken of all of our group members wearing the clothes.
Then we went in to the castle and did a task in the castle. We had to find all the parts of the castle and photograph what all the parts like: the kitchen, where they would eat food, where the dungeon was. It was fun! We also got to make a film of a night attack and a day attack on the castle.

By Rhys

sports day 2019

Today I one a first place badge for running.My favorite race is the running race or the egg and spoon I am fast so it wasn’t to hard.We had a bunch of stuff to do like beat the golly archery and willies through it was a load of fun. I also came in third and second I got three thirds and one second and one first.it was hard but fun.

by Rhys


we are doing a jesses topic. today we where bacon fruit crumble and peach butterscotch pudding for soup and launch.


We made burgers and  vegetarian burgers and turkey burgers we also and we also had burgers that had egg  in them and beef burgers we made them all I couldn’t make the egg one because I am lactose intolerant they look good you can come to are school tonight and have some I think you can come at 5 or 7 o clock I mite be coming to it is cold burger night on Friday it is are bike breakfast we go on a 3 mile .

Environment day

on Friday we had a environment day first we had to sort out trash like ripped  paper and paper towel’s. then we had to make bracelet’ s  out of plastic bags then we had to sort out how long rubbish would last. then we had to do pizza miles we had to fined out how many  miles pizza ingredients

school and my weekend

we are learning about drugs ‘smoking’ alcohol. we are also learning about kiva it is a anti bulling thing that kids get taught we are one of the first schools that are learning about kiva. tomorrow is are cross country competition we are also doing a art competition p4/7 are doing spark flick or flame p1/3 are doing dragons.on the weekend my uncle and I went shooting  with his rifle and his shotgun. his shotgun can have ten in the chamber it is a ten boar shotgun we were shooting clays. my uncle has AUIDI RS4 it is a sports car.

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