I had lunch with Nathan. We had hot dogs and chips. We played with the big ball.
By Ella
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
I had lunch with Nathan. We had hot dogs and chips. We played with the big ball.
By Ella
Today I listened to the music by Nathan Evans – Wellerman.
I really like this song. It has a good beat. I liked the remix one best as there was a violin and I thought the cat was funny and the different voices and people in it. I like Tiktok alot so this was my favourite one. I tried to sing along but found it tricky. I had a go “keeping the beat” which was good fun too.
I have started my magazine cover. It’s a kids magazine about Butterflies mainly and also some other insects. I haven’t finished it yet but this is what it looks like so far.
I have been reading and we went to the park. The slide is my favourite as you go really fast.
Today we started off doing a workout. I did one of my mums then I chose one. I was sweating.
I read some of my books and said my tricky words then we had a hunt. I hid the words and mum had to find them then I read them.
We have started the ice experiment. Here it is so far then I did the experiment with the lard. It felt so gooey inside the glove.
My happy photo is trying new lip gloss and lipsticks. This rubber lip thing is meant to make ur lips really soft. I think I look quite funny.
Today we read Jordan’s New Jaiket. I couldn’t stop laughing as the words sounded so funny. I answered all the questions and made a washing line with clothes hanging in English and Scottish.
I also wrote out all the months and what seasons they are in. My birthday is in October.
I was writing numbers on the whiteboard and then testing my mum.
See u tomorrow on Teams
Today I had a go at writing my name in 3d. I thought it was quite tricky but I tried my best.
I have been using pennies to do my adding and takeaway today. Then I was writing down on the whiteboard numbers that come before and after. I have been writing out sentences with words I know then I was on Epic and read one of my books. I am going to choose a book later on and will be on the book blether tomorrow I think.
Bye bye
Hi, sorry I haven’t posted but I am here today as mum is helping me.
I have been practicing my writing and reading words making a sentence.
I have done alot of writing sentences and keep reading tricky words.
I did some adding work with numicon which I did with no help.
We watched the video of the school in the Arctic.
I quite liked it but dont think I want to be there as it looks far too cold. I wouldn’t want to walk all that way in the snow everyday but it would be good with a sledge. That would be fun.
I think the teachers do some things the same but we don’t have a gym like that. We don’t have snow like that all the time.
So yesterday I was with my nan because my mum was at work. We did lots of reading words and making up sentences and looking at different numbers. We played outside in the garden too.
Today I have been making my Ewok people. Bob and Bill. it was fun making them.
I did some snowflake patterns and then I did some typography. It was quite tricky to do.
We did some reading on Epic then I played some games on bbc bitesize. We are going for a walk now.
Have a good weekend everybody.