Thank you all for the lovely Graduation send off . My mum and I are blown away with all the kind words, fab drawings and portraits (my Mum got very emotional Mrs Madden, she wants to frame your drawing along with your lovely positive word’s ). I have had the best time’s,
Memories to treasure and hopefully forever friend’s at Holywood . I have loved being part of team Holywood and will miss you all. Good luck to all the p7s (Daisy, Dakota,Jack and Charlie) I hope highschool is every thing you’d want it to be . Mum said we will definitely be popping back in when it’s safe to do so . Thank you again . Stay Safe
P.S My induction day is tomorrow, I’m very nervous but equally excited . Wish me luck . X
Zip wire
Sorry I meant to add about the zip wire challenge . We were able to make a zip wire from the upstairs bedroom window down to the tree in the garden , it took us a while to work out the best and safest way to construct it . We used washing line with the smooth plastic coating on , we found a chain that we use for our hanging basket to hold whatever would be going down the zip wire (teddys and garden gnome) as it had 3 clips to hold in place , we then used shackle as the pully as it had a small wheel on it . I found that the heavier the teddy the faster it went but it weighed the rope down more (gravity), the lighter the teddy the slower it went but no weighing down . It was good fun , a few car’s stopped to ask what we were doing , I’m not sure what they first thought
The window size rainbow picture we made because our house sits so far back off the road with tree’s in the way so my mum and I decided to do this one together to show our support .Merrisa x
Keeping busy .
Hi everyone , we are keeping busy and safe . I am still continuing on with my school work , maths , English , reading , spelling etc . Here are some of the thing’s we have been doing along with my usual work and the big Thursday day’s.
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I love drawing Manga , I have a lot of book’s which helps with creating the correct way to Draw the faces. I prefer to not colour my manga portraits as I feel that it be more animation manga rather than sketching manga. I enjoyed re creating a Van gogh painting , I love the way the colours blend in , it makes it look like the painting is alive . We hace veen doing alot of baking , something I enjoy doing with my Mum , we made Empire biscuits , banana loaf, shortbread angels and cinnamon rolls . Thing’s always taste better home made . On our walks we see alot of nature , we have a stunning loch 2 mins from us . The loch has alot of swan , geese and ducks on and other types of birds , sometimes we like to just take 5 mins from our walk to enjoy our surroundings. We find alot of other thing’s on our walks , wee broken bits of newly hatched chick eggs , caterpillars , all sorts of birds , weasels , fox etc etc The best thing about living in the countryside is the nature , the bad thing about it is my cat’s catching the bird’s, the poor wee swallow in the photo was rescued . We have been spending cosy night’s around the fire while star gazing and looking for satellites. I have also been going on BBC bite size and doing some work from there . I decided to have a go making a model plant cell , this was very interesting , I learnt a little bit about how plant cells and animal cells have certain features in common such as thr mitochondria , membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm . Plants cells also have a permanent vacuole . In the photo’s you will see a plastic tub (This acts as the cell wall) with water, one grape(acting as the nucleus which contains the cells genetic material) , handful of peas (acting as the chloroplast. These are where photosynthesis takes place) , water filled plastic bag ( with the water acting as the vacuole ) and a small amount green food colouring. The photo of the pea on its own is photosynthesis taking place . We have been doing alot of gardening so decided to give our poor garden gnomes a wee makeover , we painted 6 in total , how cool do they look
. Stay safe everyone from Merrisa.
These are some of the thing’s I have got up to during the last 2 weeks.
Hi everyone sorry I haven’t been on the blog much . My family and I feel like the weeks have went in so fast.
I thought I would put a few photo’s up with some of the thing’s I have been keeping busy with. All very positive stuff –
We had my brother’s 19th Birthday on Easter sunday so we made him a Cadburys caramel cheese cake (he prefers more than cake) , we put the candles back to front so it read 91 rather than 19 because sometimes he acts like an old man . We also had our easter egg hunt in which my two brothers actually joined in ( well they wouldn’t have got their easter eggs if they hadn’t ) . We had alot of fun and way too much chocolate (not really ) .
We have had some lovely weather , there was one day in perticular which was exceptionally hot , I decided to build a den to keep my dog’s Oreo and Porridge a bit more on the cool side . I would say they quite liked my efforts .
On many of our exercise walks we came accross some stunning nature . We saw a Beuatiful butterfly sitting in the middle of the road , it had been hurt How ever it was still able to move quite freely , we lifted the wee thing , sat it on a flower to give it more of a chance , as you can see in the photo it’s body got a bit of a bang On another walk we seen alot of baby bunnies , very small and cute . Another walk my Mum was ecstatic as she was able to photograph the stunning Sun Dog /Sun Halo . The photo does not give it’s full beauty. The colours where so vibrant , it just looked breath taking . I also found a tiny jumping spider , it almost looks robotic when it moves .
I decided to make some healthy dog treats for my dog’s Oreo and Porridge , human’s could also eat them because of the natural product’s used. The recipe makes a lot so my dogs will have goodies for ages . They both love them and would probably eat them all if they had the chance.
My Mum and I decided we needed a nice sweet treat , we had a look at what ingredients we had in the cupboard with what we found We were able to make the most delicious hot fudge chocolate cake , like our dog’s we could have easily ate all the cake , that would have been greedy and we are sure our tummys would not have been happy after
My mum love’s photography so any chance she can get to take photo’s she will , especially the night sky . The moon and venus have been playing along side each other over a period of nights , my mum said that it’s a very stunning sight to see . The sky was very clear so everything was noticeable , bright and identifiable if you had looked up .
By Merissa
Never forget there are fun things to do
Here is some of the stuff that I have been getting up to over the last couple of weeks. For my daily exercise I’ve chose a number of fun activitys to do such as nature spot walking , bike rides, dancing, keep fit routines, basketball and football with the dogs ! We found a skull which could be from a rabbit or something small like that . We spotted a beuatiful vibrant red fox , which was quite exciting , he or she stopped to look at us then jumped on the farm wall and disappeared , my mum really wanted to take a photograph but had no time to capture the photo . We also spotted black wild bunnies along with the common coloured bunnies . We have spotted varies different birds ranging from small to big for instance , wag tails , tree sparrows to red kites and buzzards , we are also extremely lucky to have resident owls ( Tawny and barn owls ) which come to our trees to rest , feed and call .
We have also been baking using what we have in the cupboards, we managed to rustle together bounty squares and cupcakes . They are very tasty .
I have practiced really hard on memorizing my 7 , 8 and 12 times table’s, my Mum and big brother Christian has been testing me on these which has helped alot.
I’ve also been learning my big spelling word’s and one that i am proud of having learnt is Encyclopedia .
We have been doing loads of different thing’s to keep busy , we have been keeping intouch with family using messanger and what’s app . We will be doing family quiz night’s and stop the bus , one of my mum’s favourite childhood games!
Stay safe everyone!
I made my own basketball ring
My mum thinks wee pebbles look like puss and boots… does she?
This is my favourite photo of my best boy porridge
This week there has been teachers from different schools coming to Holywood and our teachers have been going to other schools such as Lincluden, North west community campus and Shawhead. P5-7 have had a science lesson with two teachers from two different schools, the science lesson was about a dessert island dilemma. What we had to do was to get contaminated water and try and filter the water with products such as sand, cotton wool , gravel and a sock, then test each of the products separately in four different beakers to see which one cleared more. Once we finished we would get tested from the teachers to make sure it is fair ( fair means that everything has to be done the same with an average volume in each beaker ) . If we have finished all of this we were aloud to multi-layer the products together to see if the water would filter easier.
Our Christmas adventure!
A week after Christmas, me ( Merissa ) , Daisy , Sarah and Kaitlyn went to energy the trampoline park. Energy is in Carlisle and was very exciting, before we went in we had to listen to the festive safety rules. We went separate ways, Sarah and Kaitlyn went away playing with the trampolines and Me and Daisy went to race each other through a obstacle course running past the many others :D. After a couple of rounds of running riot we went on the trampolines to hit the high target named from 1-7, After tempting to hit all of the targets we decided to give up and attempt the beam course ( the beam course is a balancing step to step game that lasted 10 minutes because Daisy got stuck in the pit after she fell of one of the balancing beam so Merissa had to pull her out :D)
This story wasn’t about us opening presents but it was about true friendship and fun!
By Merissa and Daisy
Dragon days!
Yesterday was Dragon days, if you didn’t know what dragon days was it is a school show what we’ve been doing for 5 weeks. Tonight we are all going to do 2 more shows. One in the afternoon and one at 6:30. Last nights show was a blast. We all done super well in the show. The show is basically don’t judge book by its cover. That’s how I say it in my words. TONIGHT IS OUR INTERACTIVE PLAY FOR DRAGON DAYS!!!!!!
last big Thursday we done Drama. Drama is my favorite big Thursday subject!
When everyone arrived to class we started of by playing wink murderer ( wink murderer is a fun drama game, a person goes out the room while the teacher picks who the murderer is going to be and if you get picked you get to wink at people and they will die.. ) once we’ve played a few round of wink murderer we then begin doing real drama.
Last week miss Stapleton picked five people to come up and become a victim at the dinner party.. ( your probably wondering what dinner party? well for the past 2-3 weeks we have been making up characters for this murder scene and the scene was at a dinner party full rich people ) My person is called miss H keeper and she got picked out because she is the house keeper of the big mansion and is very jealous of lady soak a lot. We also got put into groups since there was only five victims at the dinner party, also the reason why we got put into groups was that we could all rehearse as a small group.
School at New Lanark
Last weak on the 20th of September the whole school went to new Lanark, We got divided in to groups of 2 the first group had p1-3 and the second group was p4-7.
The first task we done was ( Go to the old school )…
At the school there was a ringing a bell, so we followed the bell sounds at the top of the stares there was a man with a bell ringing he shouted ” SILENCE “. After he introduced himself we all went to the classroom… everything was wooden. the teacher told us to go in 2 rows of girls and boys separate when we done that he started telling us that we had to do a warm up the warm up was marching on the spot.Once we done that we went and sat on chairs for the start of the lesson the teacher was very strict about girls and boys because we had to sit at separate sides of the room of them. The first thing he said to us was that we are VERY late… We had to have our feet straight on the ground and arms crossed? There was a slate and chalk for the writing. The teacher told us that we have to copy a cursive hand writing alphabet once we all done that we went ahead and done some normal math.
When the lesson was done we done a timed dance with the person standing in front of us.
By Merissa