On the induction days we did a lot of different subjects including Maths, Sighince, p.e. , English and drama. in sighince we used Bunsen burners in the class we learnt how to use them safely and how they work in English we sat beside someone and interviewed them with questions like when was your birthday do you have brothers or sisters and what is your faverout song/music that kind of stuff at the end of the day I got on the bus almost missed my stop KAYLAN! and went home.
Masked Adventure !
P5 to p7 have been writing stories about what would happen if they found a strange mask and decided to put it on. Some people wrote about finding it in the sea or in a cave. I wrote about finding mine on a forest floor when I was running to get home. It looked like a clock but with no numbers, the hands were gold but one was bent and twisted.
Personally, I really liked the subject and writing a story about it. I hope we get to do more stories like this soon!
this is a warning for teachers and children alike please read this until the end thank you
WARNING there is a video that has become increasingly popular in our school… we have done everything in our power to stop this disgusting thing but we fail every time. we cant get those monsters to stop playing them. some children are all ready hypnotized by it I lost my best friend to this video… I watched them I watched as children began to copy the “instructor” but I will never give up my sanity to it..
im not sure weather to tell you the name of this abomination or not I don’t want someone to think they can handle it and watch it…. all I will tell you is it is a wake up shake up video but please don’t watch it …and teachers don’t let your students watch it
you must understand how I have tried to knock some sense in to them I worry that soon I will be the only one left I am going to find them find people in my school that have not gone insane and make a army currently I am trying to blend in as best as I can but I know there leaders can see right through me though so for your safety and others stay away from the video and if your school gets this disease I only have 3 tips blend in, keep safe, and never…NEVER copy the video and do as they say under any circumstance… I believe in you
capton challenge
world war 1 exhibition
ww1: we went to a ww1 exhibition at Dumfries museum on Friday we did a memory test my team the wolves we did not that bad at it but we were did a suitcase with a shirt,tablet recipe, flashlight they had all got so that we get us in jail in world war in Germany with the flashlight you can hide something in it and there was a waistcoat with a English brand on it. we also did a spot the wrong thing in a picture and a picture of a Victorian family on a birthday it was very hard with a picture of a boy that spelled out Ypres I loved every bit of it I would go back.
by Euan and Georgia
school show
as you may or may not know the school show this year will be about the wizard of Oz . yesterday we go to know what parts people got ! I got to be one of the witches solders though I wanted to be the scarecrow im ok with what I got because I get to design posters tickets and the back driops so exited !!! I have almost finished one of the posters in a old fashion cartoony stayl I keeping it black and white but the ruby slippers are bright red so they pop out more ! I cant weight
Halloween disco at hollywood
on Halloween night the teachers hat quite a fright.
girls and boys of all ages had dressed up for the night!
in costumes and cosplays from characters to creatures.
the games they played were exiting and fun with rights of blood to games of corners
the night was a success some would say and a good Halloween that all did play
doodle charts !
yesterday we started doodle charts. they are basically posters with a scribble in the middle. in the loops on the scribble we wright and draw pictures of what we have done in the two weeks off school. like if we went somewhere that we liked we would ether draw a picture or wright a short paragraph on the thing. it is a very fun thing to do in class!
fair trade !!!
The last couple of weeks we have been working on fair trade we have been going to places like tescos and making posters to learn more about it. We are hosting a event about fair trade we will be selling home made cakes and warm drinks. we will also tell people that come to the advent about fair trade and what it means . There will also be a fair trade quiz so you can show what you know about fair trade. We are very excited about the event and hope a lot of people come .
Leland’s summer holiday
On Lelands summer holiday he went to Burger King he would go again because the food there was very very good.
Sadly, his car broke down and it took a long time to get to where he needed to go !
He went to Mirage that is a hotel- it was nice there. He got breakfast there when he was going to see his aunt.
It sounds like he had a fab summer holiday.
By Georgia