
In math’s just now we are doing digital and analogue time. We played some digital and analogue time games. We played dominoes and time pyramid. In time pyramid you picked up a triangle and their is a question and  an answer on it. Once you have read the question you try and find the answer on another triangle. You keep on doing this until you have finished the pyramid. On the dominoes you have an answer and a question. You have to look through you cards and see if you have the answer. Then you join them together. We also did time distances. This is one of the questions we were asked; If I left the house at 12:30 and I am at the bus stop and the bus is due in 8 minutes and my journey lasts 33 minutes what time will I arrive at my destination? We have to answer them on our whiteboards.


By Kaylan

The New Willow Den

On the second last day of school last term, Miss Dale and a team of pupils started work on the new willow den. It is an actual den and looks like an igloo. It is made entirely of willow and they are attached by being stuck deep in the ground. It started of just Mark, Zak, Dylan and Miss Dale and then other people like Paul, Ryan and Cameron joined then practically the whole school was on top of it. The parents seemed to like it too.


By Kaylan

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You, yes you! Listen up, we have important news for you all. Tomorrow is the last day of school for 2 weeks and 1 day! Everyone is trying to stay positive until tomorrow but some people cannot take school anymore


We are all sick to the back teeth of working on story maps for Shakespeare books though they are starting to shape up very well…  Anyway parents will be reading this and saying 2 weeks and 1 day with our children, this will be a nightmare! It may be true it may not be but that’s enough of that!


Today primary 4-7 did cross country and these are all the words we will use to describe it:

Abominable, awful, horrid, despicable, repulsive, loathsome, appalling, foul, dog poop, sickening, atrocious, unspeakable and criminal!!

This is how we would describe the weather:

Frigid, glacial, boreal, nippy and piercing!



Enough of that now lets tell you the scores.

Sonny won the batman watch for coming 2nd place.

The p4-5 girls made 3rd place and the p6-7s scores haven’t come through yet though.

Here is a tip DO NOT DO CROSS COUNTRY!!!!!!

By Georgia and Kaylan


Today on Newsround:

  • Lucky escape for the tourists on Mount Etna in Italy
  • How a spiders diet is good for humans
  • New hippo baby says hello to the public for the first time
  • Rare horse encounter

Tourists and a camera crew on Mount Etna made a lucky escape when the volcano let out an almighty explosion! Mount Etna is located in Italy and the people living there must have been in shock. Mount Etna is one of the worlds most active volcanos and it is quite normal for it to lose its temper. Rebecca Morrel who experienced this occurrence said: “it was a very lucky escape for all on Mount Etna yesterday (16th March 2017) and it was one of the scariest encounters I have ever had. When we were running for our lives a huge rock sizzled right through my sleeping bag and now I have a huge hole in it!” The explosions on Mount Etna are some of the most unpredictable on Earth and scientists are still trying to figure out how to predict Mount Etnas huge and dangerous eruptions.

Scared of spiders?  Well hopefully not anymore! Researchers have found out spiders are helping humans by their diet… BUGS!! They eat an astonishing  8 million tons of insects a year! They are helping us by eating the bugs because ants and fly’s cause disease and we don’t want to catch anything… do we?

Now to a rare happening in Suffolk. two twin baby horses (foals) were born. There mother Rose seems very proud of her children. One is called Tilly the other called Lilly.

Now over in Australia a baby hippo has made his first ever appearance with his mum. She is a pygmy hippo and there are less than 3000 left in the wild. She has not yet got a name but a competition is being held to help decide a name for her.

That’s all from this weeks Newsround

By Kaylan


Today on Newsround we have lots of interesting stories to tell you so here we go on the first story:

first up was that Little Mix won their first Brit award. They where all very happy that they won. Leiaghanne seemed to be the most exited. They where all very proud of each other.  Liam Payne also won an award and he was very proud of himself. Little Mix have also decided to have a break from the singing career after there big hit Shout Out To My Ex. They are not going to stop singing forever though. They just want a break for a while from the stress of being on tour constantly.

There is also something very important that has been discovered in space! 7 planets that are able to sustain life have been found. They are all the same size of Earth and orbit a star just like us! The star isn’t as bright and as strong as our sun but it is going to live a long time. They say that if they discover more about life and supplies on the planet they might send a chip up into space with a camera on it. If we where to send someone up to the planets it would take 40 years to get there and 40 years to get back!

That is the top stories for today so keep reading the blog to keep up with Newsround stories!

By Georgia and Kaylan


On Newsround today:

A weird robot called Eric is being shown off to a crowd of scientists. They have made a second and better Eric because the first was lost back in the past. This Eric is able to move and do lots of over cool movements so could maybe someday in the future do household chores like ironing or cooking. Eric is made of metal and was made in the UK. It has taken two years to build this robot and we look forward to seeing it in action.

How do you move a whole herd of Bison? Well how about a helicopter! A group of farmers where having trouble with a pack of Bison. They where standing in their path and they couldn’t get past… So what do they do? They hire a helicopter! The helicopter holds large iron and metal cages and lure the Bison into them then a door closes behind them and they are then moved to a different location where hopefully no farmers will run into them… we hope!

By Euan and Kaylan

Learning at Holywood/Fun activities coming up!!!

Learning at Holywood this week. This is what we have been doing/will be doing:

  1. Stranroard
  2. Badminton club/competition
  3. Drama club
  4. Music
  5. IDL (topic)
  6. Writing
  7. Reading
  8. Art

On the first of March 2017 primary five to seven are going to Stranroard on our residential trip!! Everyone is really exited in going and we are going to be doing a full day walk, orienteering, mountain biking and maybe some climbing.

Badminton club has now sadly come to an end:-( !!! But today the competition is on! we will be representing our school in the Badminton competition at Maxwellton High school. Most of the primary sixes and sevens are going. There will be a hit about in the hall at four o clock and then they head to the competition at half past four and at half past five they will be waiting at school for their parents to pick them up.

Starting today is the drama club!! So many people wanted to go that they had to put all the names in a bag and pull them out!

In music with Mr Riddick we are learning the five songs of Tam O Shanter! We are going to be performing at Lochside primary school with the Glasgow opera club!

Just now in writing we are writing about the Egyptian Pyramids animated short film in our three groups.

We have now switched from our old books to our new books in reading! Georgia and her group are reading a book called the iron man and Kaylan and her group are reading a book called Kensukes kingdom

In art we are finishing off our Islamic tiles.

In IDL (topic) we are doing our weather project we had to pick a country and research on its weather. Kaylans is doing Nepal and Georgia’s is doing Georgia.


By Georgia and Kaylan

HOLYWOOD SLIPPER DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Newsround today one of the Newsround staff went into a school and they were all wearing………..SLIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!

After we watched Newsround we all turned round and looked at Mrs Dale. She looked back at us and was like what?

After that we did a debate! Here is our positives:

  • It helps if you are stressed in class
  • You could swap slippers for a day
  • gives you something soft on your feet instead of stiff shoes
  • Not hard on your feet
  • doesn’t give you sore ankles and toes
  • easy to put on so you are not late for class
  • Easier to find than indoor shoes
  • Toes space

we think that wearing slippers would be awesome!

Merissa: Really fantastic and good

Thomas: Slippers are good

Charlie D: I don’t like them because they are slippy and you could step on a nail

Cameron: Yesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dylan: I don’t like them


By Kaylan and Greg


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