New Learning…. OUT NOW! Read while it is still September!

Hey folks! Welcome to Learning At Holywood week 2!

Lots of “interesting” things have been going on this week so keep on reading because your kids probably wont ever tell you and you will miss out on all the “fun” learning we have been doing!

Totally not just been skiving off and doing nothing!

Anyway… We hope you enjoy this weeks blog!

Forces, Light And Sound!

We have started a new topic with Miss Dale called Forces, Light And Sound! Right now we are learning about Friction and did lots of fun tests to determine what makes the Friction levels go UP and are soon to be learning how to make it go DOWN. Yesterday we got a wooden shelf and slid shoes down it to see how far they would travel, surprisingly, Kaylan’s indoor shoe went down the fastest on her, Jack and Orla’s experiment board. When we had finished that experiment we had to see how high up the board would go until the shoes slide down. On the THIRD test (I know so many tests!… But fun ones! 🙂 ) we had to put something on the wooden boards to make it go faster, Jack, Orla and Kaylan’s group put soap and water wen they were supposed to only do 1 thing and then Jack’s shoe went the fasted down and so did Miss Dales Clog, but Jacks shoe didn’t  go very high up for it to slide down. Only 23cm’s when on the second test it was 49cm-69cm high because we cant remember the exact heights. It was actually really fun!

Big Thursday And Business Groups!

We have started Business Groups and Big Thursday back up again and I think most people are happy about this. On Big Thursday Miss Stapleton is Teaching Computer Science And Coding, Miss Brochi-Donald is teaching P.E. (Gymnastics!), Miss Jardine (Not the Mrs Jardine that works on the office!) is teaching Art And Crafts and Miss McIntyre is teaching Outdoor Education/Learning! Last week was really fun so everyone is looking forward for this weeks.

For Business Groups there are only a couple of groups; Nature And Wildlife, Reading, Kiva-Good Behaviour, Fitness-WOW Group, Librarians and lots more fun groups! James, Kaylan, Dakota Lange and Kaitlyne are the Librarians for the Reading Hub and have to make sure it is really clean and there is no dirt and everything is spotless and we have to hoover and make sure all the books are away and plan events to get people reading and yeah, half of our stuff includes cleaning but I know some of the other groups have more cleaning than us to do.. *Cough, Cough Job’s Group Cough Cough…*


We hope you enjoyed this weeks comedic blog By James And Kaylan! Be prepared because there will be more!



Kaylans holiday

Kaylan went to lightwater valley theme park. At Lightwater Valley Kaylan went on a drop tower called Trauma Tower. She went on a carousel and 3 rollercoasters, One of them was the called the Ladybug rollercoaster and it went really fast, The Twister and Raptor Attack were her favourites and Raptor Attack was based in the dark so you could only see things when there was a Raptor lighting up and making noises. At one point the rollercoaster was going up and she had no idea when it was going to drop and then it dropped. Raptor Attack was also very fast. The Twister was also a large Rollercoaster and you also went very fast and there was a very large drop. Kaylan went on that one with her Dad and the rollercoaster threw them about everywhere. It made you feel like your were going to go of the edge when you were not. It had some VERY sharp turns! Kaylan also went on a pirate ship ride that swung really high up in the air with her Mum called the Flying Cutlass and there was another pirate ship there called The Black Pearl which went upside down which she didn’t go on. She loved Lightwater Valley!

Kaylan went to Stirling with her Dad and Brother Aidan. She went to Blair Drummond Zoo and saw lots of cool animals! Here favourites were the Giraffes, Rhinos, Reindeer, Zebras, and everything else there. At one of the different zoo’s she went to named South Lakes wildlife park there was a giant Red Kangaroo lying in the path and it wouldn’t move and everyone needed to get past it and then 1 kid went up and started petting it! Then everyone started petting it, it moved and everyone got through. It was still sitting in the middle of the path though. At South Lakes they let some of the animals run free so the Praire Dogs, Lemurs, Birds and other animals run free and Kaylan really likes that about South Lakes. Kaylan really enjoyed her holidays!


By Rhys p5

Rhys’s Holiday

This summer holidays, Rhys went to Center Parcs in Penrith, England. Centre Parks is a lot of wooden cabins hidden in the middle of the woods where you can ride bikes, ride scooters, swim in the pool, do sports, do archery and quadbiking, and pottery and there is lots mofre fun stuff, like arcades.

At Centre Parcs Rhys went swimming, he played pool, went bowling, played Tennis, played in the park and went to Mini-Golf. Rhys’s favourite thing at Center Parcs. Was Tennis because he just liked it. His Cousins were there from Aberdeen on holiday so he played with them as well. He went to Center Parcs for 1 day.

Rhys also went for Aberdeen for 2 days and went to a theme park called Cadonas and it was free!!!!!!!!!!!! All you had to do was your wristband every-time you wanted to go on a ride. Rhys went on a ride called Dead-Mans Drop, which is a drop tower. On a Drop Tower you sit on a row of chairs or a circle of chairs and it goes up to the top and then… You drop. It keeps doing this until the ride is finished and then everyone jumps of. He also went on a really fun ride called the Waltzers.

(The spelling of Center Parcs is actually correct here!!!!!!!!!!!!)

By Kaylan, p7

Week In The Woods!!!

Last week the whole school got dressed into old clothes to prepare to get muddy!!! We were going up the woods for a whole week and I think pretty much everyone was excited!!! The first day we did a lot of work on our dens and just played around for a bit and we also played sardines. The second day we played sardines again but Hayden and Gavin brought their gilly *suits and they were kind of easy to find. On the third day we had to put up tarps because it was a bit wet. We also made chocolate oranges Yay!!! They were so good. On the third day we also cooked lots of fish and it was the best!!! They was Mackerel, Rainbow Trout and Herring. Charlie, Liam and me both love fish so we all basically stripped the fish to the bones. On the fourth day we designed some woodland characters. On the fifth  day we played sardines and man hunt. and find the bell. We were all feeding the cows!!!

By Kaylan p6


Sports Day

Today was sports day at Holywood! There were lots of different races and activity’s to do and there were a lot of people (parents and family members).  The first race was the flat running race (sprint race) and Hayden came first for p6-p7 boys race which was the first race. The second was the egg and spoon and Kaylan came first for p5-p6 egg and spoon. Then there was the sack race which the 4 finalists were Sonny, Georgia, Jack and Merissa. Then there was the obstacle course run where we ran over the hills, through a tunnel, through the small willow tunnel and around the sandpit.

By Euan (and Euans brother John), Merissa and Kaylan

Newsround and Gala Day!!!

The biggest thing on Newsround today was that Donald Trump, the American president and Kim Jong- Un, The president of North Korea met up and shook hands. This is really good news. It is such a big event because North Korea and America have been fighting for seemingly endless years and now they have met and agreed that there is going to be no more nuclear weapons in North or South Korea. The 2 presidents met outside a luxury hotel in Singapore.


Gala day was a success and we raised £750!!! I think that the ice-cream was the most popular stall because it was warm so I also think Kye’s slurp puppies sold very well, but then again the cake stall was nearly sold out and the garden stall was a big success to so I don’t know!!! Georgia, Dakota, Erin and me ran a pompom key-ring stall and we also sold tickets for our puppet show and did guess how many sweets in a jar. It was awesome. The stalls that were there were slurp puppies, ice-cream, archery, cakes, beat the goalie, cars, mystery bags/pin the tail on the unicorn, unicorn stall, Holywood keepsakes, colour a picture, raffle, plants, decorate a cupcake and our stall. There was also a treasure hunt and find the unicorn! We raised a lot of money!!!

By Kaylan

Gala Day!!!

Gala Day is coming very quickly. It is on Friday the 8th of June and everyone is getting their stalls ready. We haven’t set them up yet but we are organising and making things for them. Georgia, Erin, Dakota and me are working on Pompoms! After making them we have to glue on googly eyes with a glue gun and I am NOT excited for that part because I got burnt putting googly eyes on rocks last year for the Tartan Garden Pets stall. They are going to be key rings so you can clip them on your bags and your clothes and things like handbags and for decoration 🙂 We made 51 yesterday and we got some help from Mrs Watson, Mrs Madden and Mrs Queen. Normally it would take us about 2 weeks to make 1 pompom because of the way that we were making them, but now we are making them really fast! We would like to say thank you to Paul, Hannah and Mr and Mrs Storie for handing in loads of wool to make pompoms with. We would also like to say thank you to everyone else who handed in wool for us. Thank you!

By Kaylan


It has been absolutely roasting and we are like; where did all this heat come from?! Of course we are enjoying this weather and are always hoping for this weather because it is Scotland. Make sure you are putting on sunscreen so you stay safe in the sun and you don’t turn into a sausage. Also drink a lot of water, trust me- it helps. We are all dying because when it is only 22 degrees it feels like 823 to us! But that’s only because we are used to rain. Enjoy this lovely sunny weather while you can people! It’s only here for a while and when its gone you will moan at it for raining! That’s because when it is warm like this we want it to be cooler but when it is cold we moan at it because we want it to be warm. Get used to the weather being like this, it’s Scotland and it will always be like this so enjoy it while you can; it won’t be here for much longer and… Stop moaning about our weather, just appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Kaylan

Holywood Hike

The Holywood Hike is over and we reached John `O Groats! We walked 349 miles in a week! Though we cheated on Friday and made it 2 step Friday, which basically means we got to double our steps for the whole day, but we got loads because Mr Walker took p5 and p6 a walk around and that got us a lot of steps and I eventually figured out that this walk wasn’t just to see the 12 apostles, IT WAS ALSO FOR GETTING FOR STEPS!!!!!! WE WERE DECIEVED!!! TRICKEREY!!! FOOLERY AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT MEANS THAT WORD!!!!!

By Kaylan

The Holywood Hike!

Today we were given pedometers to count our steps because we began the Holywood hike! We are going through the bottom of Scotland right to the top (John O’Groats.) We have to walk an astonishing 349 miles to reach the highest point in Scotland! It takes around 10,000 steps to do a mile but 3,490,000 steps to do 349 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I would walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more and then I will have walked 1000 miles…… DA DA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aannnnnyyy way… we hope we will be able to do it! On Friday we are going to do a crossing the finish line event, so if you want to you can bring a meal for the buffet for dinner. We are going to play lots of fun games!

By Euan and Kaylan

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