Wallace Hall Academy!

Last week two of my friends and me went to Wallace Hall Academy for three days! We got a chance to meet all of the other S1’s and all of the teachers for the academy.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I took the bus up and down. I was really nervous for the bus, but it was alright. The bus back down is my favorite bus to take. Its much quieter and I get a chance to sit with my friends.

On Tuesday, we had to go to the Bailey Hall first of all. We had to sit in our houses. At Wallace Hall there are three houses; Nith, Scaur and Cairn. I am in Nith. After that, we got our time tables and headed to class.

My first class was Drama with Mrs. Griffin. I like drama. It has been one of my favorite classes we have been to so far. We played lots of games. We played a game called Robbers where you have a partner and one of you sits on a chair and the other stands behind your chair. The person in the chair is the Robber. The person behind the chair is a cop. One person starts of without a partner, and they have to call one of the robbers names. Once the robbers name is called; the robber has to try and get to that persons chair as fast as possible. If the cop taps you on the shoulder, then you sit back down.

In English we had to interview the person sitting beside us. My partner was called Charlie. We had to find out as much as we could about them. We asked each other lots of questions. Just to confuse you; there are 2 Charlie’s in my class. And their last name is practically the same. So yep… That happened

I enjoyed the days that I was at Wallace Hall. I’m not worried about going after the holidays. (I got lost and we had to ask the S6’s for help) but yeah!| The classes are fun and I have made some new friends.

By Kaylan

Holywood Gala Day!

On Friday the 7th of June from 2pm – 4pm, we are holding our Gala day! Parents, Grandparents and younger siblings are all welcome! There are lots of different stalls like Splat The Rat, Tie-Die T-shirts, Bonus Ball, The cake stall and more!

Georgia, Ebony and me are doing face painting! There are lots of different designs we can do, so make sure to stop by!

Everyone in school is really busy organizing their stalls. Everyone chose a group and then we chose what we wanted to do. We have been organizing our stalls for about 4 weeks.

Please stop by!



Learning At Holywood! (Comedic)

Today we are hosting a soup and dessert lunch! Primary 3 and 4 have made the soup while Primary 5, 6 and 7 have made the desserts! We got the fun part in my opinion! Hahahaha! The  parents are coming and they get to eat our delicious meal!  (Someone asked “is this a spoon?” while making their dessert) I hope you enjoy! Heh… HeHeHe… Heh…

We got a new wellie stand that looks slightly (*cough cough* a lot) like a wishing well but with wooden pegs coming out of it. It is nice though!

We are making robots in class with the old stuff (junk that we took out of old things) in the crafting shed! Georgia, Ebony and myself are making a radio child.  It has legs. They are wooden pegs. His name is Rover. He is named after the space rover which has been in space for years.

By Kaylan

Holywood Environment Day!

Holywood Environment Day was on Friday the 29th of March 2019. There were 5 different tasks to go around and do. Miss Dale, Miss Jardine, Miss McIntyre, Miss Stapleton and Miss Brockie Donald all led a stall. It was like a Big Thursday mix up!

My group went to Miss Dale’s stall first. What we had to do was put the rubbish in order of how long we thought it would take to bio-degrade. We learned in that class that wellingtons take 60-80 years to start braking down, and that glass bottles take up to and over 1,000,000 (one million) years!!!!

With Miss Jardine, we did pizza miles! We learned about how far the ingredients came from and then added all of the miles together, to figure out how far it had travelled. For a Chicken and Bacon pizza, it took over 93,000 (It was either 93 thousand or 93 million miles!) Miles!

With Miss Brockie Donald, we had to sort out a huge pile of rubbish that we had collected from the school bins in the past 4 days. There was so much paper that it was unreal! We put so much paper to waste and some of the pieces hadn’t  even been used! In fact, we had more paper towels and paper than plastic.

With Miss McIntyre, we made things with old plastic bottles, like Pencil and Pen holders! The girls and some of the boys made pleated bracelets out of old plastic bags. They actually turned out quite cool!

With Miss Stapleton, we learned about Ocean and Sea pollution. Miss Stapleton, Miss Dale and Miss Brockie Donald all went down to SandyHills and collecting things that were meant to be and not meant to be at the Beach. Some of these things included fishing net, tennis balls, Seashells and mermaids purses! We also learned that people went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and found a plastic bag. It went so far. There is also a place at the bottom of the ocean were there are loads of old washing machines, fridges, microwaves and loads of other things. WE HAVE GOT TO STOP DOING THIS. They even found a 43 foot long cargo crate which had fallen off of a ship. Its sad.

Over all, I really liked Environment day! I would love to do it again sometime! I found out loads of cool (and sad) information that I never knew before!

By Kaylan, P7.

Learning At Holywood

This week we have been talking about the legal drugs we keep at home, like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. We have been asked to learn about one of the medicines we have and then make a big model of the box. Miss Dale brought in some empty boxes from her house so we could have a look at them and see what the little information sheets inside the boxes said about the medicine. We have been learning about the affects of smoking and alcohol as well, but we did those a couple of weeks ago. If you are wondering what the topic is called, it is called Substance Miss-use. We have been learning that people can get addicted to some medicines and alcohol.

We started a new writing thing this morning with Miss Dale! It is called quick writing! Miss Dale gives you an assigned piece, and you have to try and get to the bottom of the page within the 15 minutes she gives us. If you get halfway down the page, then you do not have to stay in at break, but if you do not get to halfway, then you have to stay in at break-time and do more writing. Todays piece was: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

I chose a Phoenix, but not any Phoenix! It was an ice Phoenix! Instead of being your normal yellow, orange, gold, red and tan, this one is Electric Blue!

P7’s also started their P7 Profiles today! :/


By Kaylan, P7

Big Thursday – Photography

On Big Thursday we have been doing digital photography with Mrs Jardine who teaches p3/p4 on a Friday.

We have been learning how to hold the camera properly and take proper pictures.

Mr Walker and his friends from the photography club have been coming in to help as well which was cool! I really like photography so I was happy when I learned we were going to be doing some in school/class. We do photography first on a Big Thursday.


By Kaylan.

Our Diseased School!

You read the title! You now know that our school is diseased! This sickness disease is taking over the entire school! You never know who’s next…. one minute you will be frolicking through the football pitch, and the next there will be sick all down your jumper and all over your shoes.

We had over 21 people off one week and 3 members of the Holywood Staff Team. Please keep your sickness to yourself! *laughs but it turns into a cry*

I’m lucky enough to not have had the sick bug. *coughs* yet…. (touch wood!!!)

Apart from having this bug making its rounds, we have continued classes like normal (apart from a couple of days when we were running low on staff) and we all had a fun red nose day.

On red nose day, we watched 2 movies. We watched some Road Runner episodes and we also watched the animated Grinch. The new one! And we also did pie face, pin the red nose on the clown and had ice-cream and a buffet lunch!! 🙂

Also…. never mind what my best friend Georgia said in her last blog. Those dances and songs are amazing! There is nothing wrong with them, I really liked them…. *laughs evily*

By Kaylan

The Making of May (Holywood Reading Challenge)

For the Holywood Reading Challenge 2019, I read a book called The Making of May.

The book is about a girl called Mary (but everyone calls her May) and her sister Louise and her brother Ben. Ben and Louise haven taken care of her nearly all of her life because her mother died when she was a baby and she never got to meet her real dad. Here is an important part to the story: May absolutely loves the secret garden movie.

May’s sister Louise has a boyfriend named Greg, and they both decide to go travelling from place to place for a year. May is very upset, so Ben decided that they would both make a fresh start as well.

Ben finds an advertisement for a gardening job in a newspaper, even though he doesn’t know anything about gardening, he applied anyway. The job came with the offer of a cottage where they could live. To get the job though, Ben has to have a reference (and Louise is their blind neighbours care-taker) so Louise has their neighbour, Miss Johnson, write a letter. Miss Johnson writes letters about Ben sometimes anyway, so Louise only had to change painter and decorator to gardener.

Ben gets the job and they settle into the cottage. May finds out there is a walled garden, and there was going to be a small garden competition, so she and the house owners (Mr Rutherford) son (Alex) work together in the garden. They end up winning in second place! Alex and May become really good friends while working in the garden. Alex has an older brother called Charlie who is an artist and working in Italy for the summer, but Alex also loves Art, so they take all of Charlies art supplies down to the garden and store them in the shed. May wanted to make the garden as much like the secret garden as possible, so the house keeper (Mrs Danielle’s) gets a lock smith to make a key for it so only May and Alex can access it.

May is curious as to why they are not allowed into the tower room. It is said that it is because of rotten floors, but why did she see a light in there, and Miss Danielle’s bringing down trays of food? May thinks she is keeping a mad relative up there. One night May and Alex go into the tower room to discover Mrs Danielle’s watching the television. May then falls through the floor, because of the rotten floors.

Louise and Greg were offered a job with a magazine company in Australia, so they stay with Greg’s uncle and aunty. Lou invites May and Ben to live there, and in the end, May goes to live in Australia for a year and Ben stays in England doing a History course in university and doing gardening in Thornton Hall sometimes at the weekends and in the holidays.

So there you have it! A (long) summery of the entire book! I loved this book and on a scale of 1-10, I would rate it a 7. I would recommend it to my friends. It was very hard to put down once you started reading it. I had to let my cat in this morning and couldn’t put it down to let him in XD

By Kaylan/


Kiva is an anti-bullying company which is trying to get schools to teach kids about anti-bullying. Their goal is to have as many KiVa schools as possible and to stop Bullying. This includes Cyber Bullying, hidden bullying and face-to-face bullying.

We have been learning about KiVa in school and doing their classes on a Friday every  week. So far we are on lesson four of ten and most of us are enjoying it!

So far, the captions behind each lesson is….

  1. We treat everyone with respect.
  2. Together we will make the class a group that everyone enjoys being a part of.
  3. We do not bully.
  4. We’ll fight hidden bullying.

We also have our logins for the KiVa game now! The game was quite slow but also quite fun! We got answers to some of our questions, we got to answer questions to see if it was bullying or not and we got to take fun quizzes!

By Kaylan!

Photo Caption Challenge!! *yay!!* :)

Above are some of my friends on the 3g swing at Galloway Activity Centre (Loch Ken) It was an amazing trip and I will definitely be going back some day!

By Kaylan!

*Ps, I challenge all of you people reading this to do a photo caption challenge to!!*  🙂

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