My favorite present

For Christmas I got a Brand new skateboard from my mum and dad, who got it from skate warehouse. It was my favorite present, It is much better than my old one which was terrible with terrible steering and trucks as well as bad balance and hardly any grip tape, But the new one is perfect.

Dragon Days

Jack: This years school play is dragon days and I am a wrinkly old man I have a massive book and if I smash it a puff of smoke (baby powder) appears.

Charlie: This school play I am five parts, and they are two villagers, two tommy fans and a fireman. I am sort of nervous.


By jack and charlie




Here at Holywood primary we are doing drama as a subject for big Thursday and are doing drama games and making short murder mystery scenes. Miss stapelton takes us into the world of drama class (I mean that she is our drama and maths teacher). The games we play are games like wink murder and we also mime things and have other people guess them.

By Charlie k

Our New Topic

We p5-7 have a new topic at holywood and it is time and space. We have been learning about it for about a week or so. Right now we are doing things like building a model of the solar system. We are learning about space and time as our new topic.

We are also making books about space ( mainly the solar system) for the younger class.


By Charlie and Leland

Don’t have a loose chain

Last Saturday I busted my mouth open in a place. I was cycling on my BMX bike when disaster struck, as I was talking to myself as normal when I noticed my chain was rattling. I thought nothing of it because I was turning to go home now and me and my dad could check it out once I was home. I was about half way home and at full speed with my feet on the pedals when… CLICK!!! The chain had slipped off the cog and had jammed the wheel. I was on a road past a small cluster of about three houses. I had went from full speed to full stop in quarter of a second. I was thrown forward over the handlebars and face planted onto the rough stone of the road. I later found out it was all because of a loose chain.

New Lanark trip

On Friday we went to a lace called new Lanark. New Lanark is a Victorian time weaving village and even in the 1810s did not have any physical punishment.

We went there for the whole day and started the bus journey at around 1/4 to 9. It was a little bit delayed because me and my little sister rhona were late.

When we got there it was bigger than I expected and we got to see what life as a school child there was like by going to a huge Victorian time classroom and take a lesson from a guy pretending to be a Victorian teacher, he was so convincing that I actually believed he had traveled forward in time. We got to have lunch at a huge park we played about at the park and played manhunt for a bit before getting some stuff from the giftshop.

Ellisland Farm Trip .

On Friday we went to Ellisland farm. It was a school trip so Everyone got to go. It was fun. We went on a tour of the historic site. We saw things Robert burns made and things he used.

School again

I had mix mixed feelings about going back, I was dreading maths and things but was looking forward to play with my friends. I built a new hammock in the playground, And did graffiti with miss Patti. Miss Patti is our new teacher. Before making the hammock I forgot how much I love it.

Holywood review

This year is going okay for a school year, Miss Dawson was the lunch lady for most of it. She was good at what she does. Everyone liked miss Dawson and she liked everyone.

This is the best school but it is not better that home. It is almost water slide day as well. It is meant to Be good weather on Thursday and Friday to.

Week in the woods is the best bit so far, My best memory us playing manhunt and being up a huge tree with Jack, Paul, Bailey and Aidan. We were up separate trees and we were at the same height.

Residential was epic, We did a mountain climb. we also did mountain biking which was my favourite.

By Jack and Charlie

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