Professor John Brown

On Friday the 26th of January professor john brown came to talk to p5-7 . We learned about the solar system and space . I found out that there might be aliens in space but no one knows . Stars in space are actually really quite MASSIVE but they look tiny from earth . Professor john brown also told us about how a solar eclipse works .

The best thing I thought was his magic book that he made by himself . Basically, he went through the pages and there was nothing there then he closed it then opened and there was pictures of objects in space then it got really cool because the photos were in colour .

My question was: what was the most exciting thing you have seen in astronomy?

But he had too many things . The class got a picture with him and we all got a moon calendar showing when the moon will be full and when it will be covered by clouds . On the back of the calendars we could get his autograph .

He said he felt like a rock star and he had never been that popular before. I really enjoyed it and his Power point on all the stars .

by Isla


ration challenge

This morning we did the ration challenge as part of our WW2  topic it was really fun we had an hour to cook . My group made corn beef fritters to start off with it looked like a pile of dog food but it turned out to be AMAZING !!!!  there was also soup , toad in the hole and sausage bacon and egg pie .  T he recipe is down below .

how to make them :

you will need : 2oz of flour

pinch of salt

1 egg

dash of milk

pinch of herbs [optional]

grated onion [3 teaspoons ]

6oz of corn beef

a little margarine



  1. mix and blend flour with beaten egg ,salt and a dash of milk
  2. beat until a smooth batter is achieved
  3. add corned beef onions and herbs
  4. melt the butter in the frying pan
  5. drop in a spoonful of mixture and press down in to a small patty
  6. fry on each side until crisp brown

learning at holywood

Today we started off with our reading carousel . Our group started off with the green reading box we spent 15 minutes on it to improve our reading skills . Then we moved to reading our fiction books we are reading boy in the striped pyjamas . Its really good but sad . And now we are blogging . Last big Thursday it was snowing so for outdoor skills we just went a walk up the wood . and came back in and had hot chocolate and wrote poems on what we saw ,heard ,and touched if our poems were good we got a marshmallow . in gym we did cricket with Mr walker it was really fun . we got art with miss McIntyre and we did pop art with oil pastels it was really cool. we started doing art work what not one of us would have the same lines or shapes somewhere on the page . for music we had feis rois we have Anne we were working on the same tune but with different instruments .We played a game on noise so we had a different conductor each time and basically they would put there hand up and down and the higher it went the louder you had to play and the lower was the quitter .

by Isla


At holywood today we have hundreds of snow it is amazing everyone cant wait for break because its still snowing and we will sledge and have snowball fights . miss Stapleton is away to the museum with p1-2 so probably no maths today . I hope we get extra break but the bad thing is its freezing outside .

Learning at Holywood !

Last week we only had 2 days at school which was good then we were off again . On Thursday we had Mr walker we did spelling and biography’s on our selves we have got a spelling test on Wednesday so we got a bit of paper with our words on it . we got 10 different words . with our biography’s we had to put lots on information about our selves it was really fun . on Friday we got to build bridges it was really fun we only had straws sellotape news paper though. we had to look at a structure to see what will hold a weight . we are going to put sand in beakers and get heavier and heavier till the bridge collapses . we had maths as well on Friday we had to weigh shapes and beaker with sand in them and weigh them to see what was heaviest then we  added them all back up .

by Isla

learning at holywood

this week we are  doing our ww1-ww2 tasks . we have 3 contents to do the one I am working on gas masks . we have to find out about 4 different gas masks then do clipart of them. afterwards we have to do a little a4 poster on each one . lastly we have to design a gas mask that fits on your face. I am working on equations in maths just now it is really fun .




by Greg and Isla


Today we watched Newsround and it was about a woman who acrobatic out of a helicopter on a string  to do tricks above the diagra falls 100m above it and doing flips in the air. there was also dancing dolphins in the sea. There was also pelicans who if they ate a little plant they would get a sore belly so they got kept in a swimming pool till it was all removed .


by Gavin and Isla


sports day

today is sports day it starts at 9.30am and every body is very excited for the event . we are having sprint , sack, skipping, coach and horses , egg and spoon and an obstacle course . crawling under a tarpolin . football is beat the goalie . we are not having medals we are having badges created by oriana .

learning at Holywood

This week we have been up to lots and next week is a big week as well because of sports day . Today we finished our letter to miss dale to get £ 100 pounds to get something for the school but it has got to be persuasive . We also finished our Glasgow science centre maps and they are up in the hall every body is loo0king forward to the holidays and also week in the woods .

p4-7 do cross country

Today we did a cross country challenge at king George we left the school at 9.15 and headed for the service bus we got on the bus and got off at the centre then went in we first got given our seats then we got our numbers I was 117 it started off being the p4-5 boys from small schools and they went in to the middle of the pitch and warmed up for the race and headed to the start line. everybody started screaming for the people that were in the race . sonny was 2nd and won the batman watch .

and then it went to p4-5 girls it was the same p4s and 5s only had to do 800m while 6-7 had to do 1200 . after then it was the p6-7 girls race I was the only girl running for p6-7 girls from holy wood it was a tragic race with it being far to sloppy I came 26th out of 36 it was HORRIBLE !!! after that it was the p6-7 boys race which was 1200 m  as well  mark came 33 out of 56 and he said that it was diabolical, how to break a leg and thinking about running away !!!. after that it was finished we just went away after that Dylans dad found us a mini bus to get back to the school in.

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