If you are a parent or an annoying brother you should be a wee bit worried as the pupils have been writing spells about you!!

Hello Tanith and Caspian


It has been another fast week at school. Still missing you guys!

This week we were hunting in the woods…

One pupil ran away and hid while ringing a set of bells and when the bell stopped ringing the clans had to go and find them.  Listening carefully is a skill and is essential to being a successful hunter.

We also laid symbol trails for our clans to follow. Some clans laid brilliant trails.

We’re off to the woods – see you soon.

Miss Dale

Hello Tanith and Caspian!

Today the clans were continuing to develop their shelters and dens. You could take a walk up to school in the evening and see what you think.

We are hoping that it is not windy tonight or tomorrow!!

We were also foraging for brambles with Mrs Queen and hope to make jam with them. Some clans have used berries to paint their clan flag.

Today some pupils created journey strings during a walk. On the walk you attach different natural finds to your string. Some have a scent, some have medicinal qualities (Dock Leaf) some have colour and could be used as a dye. Some finds can be eaten.

The string is like a map of the journey you took. You can pass it to a clan member and they can try to retrace your steps using your finds as clues.

Mrs Nyondo made two excellent journey strings – they are now hanging in a clan shelter.

Mrs Madden and Nathan are collecting nettles – Mrs Madden is going to show us how to make nettle string. Mrs Madden is also showing pupils how to whittle.

You guys got a very sunny day for your trip to the 12 Apostles – lucky!!

Hope this finds you safe and well.

Miss Dale

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