Changes in the Senior Room

Today – Miss Dale caused issue in the senior class by removing the Mesolithic Scotland frieze from the wall!

Dakota said ” Miss Dale, we really wanted to keep that!”

Look out for a new display coming soon!!

Miss Dale


Well done EAGLEBEE, this year’s winning house at Sports Day.


Congratulations to pupils who earned one of Mrs Madden’s Holywood Plaques – they are stunning. Thanks Mrs Madden!


(The plaques are inside the box – we’ll try to get a close up shot for you to see!!)

Thanks to the Holywood’s Got Talent Finalists – you were all outstanding.

Our first pupil ever to play the pipes at Graduation – thank you!!

CONGRATULATIONS to all our pupils for their effort and hard work this session!!

And then it was time to say thank you and best wishes to our P7 pupils…

We are very proud of our P7 pupils and wish them every success at secondary school and beyond! They have the skills and capacity to change the world…

We are looking forward to hearing all about it!!

We’re also looking forward to the P7 Parade at the end of the day on Friday!!

Thanks Kaitlyn and Hannah!

Hannah and Kaitlyn took on the task of filming sports day and despite a shaky hand and a chilly day they did a great job.

They got all the important crossing the finishing line moments!!


We’re  so sorry our parents and families couldn’t join us  – hope to see you back and cheering us all on next session.

Miss Dale


Pupils across the school have been looking at plants this week.

Studying the parts of plants and the best way to do that is to get out and look at real plants.

P6/7 have been digging up dandelions to draw, study and then dissect. They have taped down and labelled all the parts of the dandelion plant.

You have to dig deep as the dandelion has got a very long and strong tap root.

Tomorrow we are going to look at different flowers to see if we can spot the female and male parts that are needed for reproducing new plants.

We’ll try and get some pictures up on the blog for you to see.

Miss Dale

New Teachers in School

Tanith and Caspian we need to tell you about the new teachers we have in school…

Mrs Renaud is in on a Thursday and Friday. This term she is working on Storytelling and Drama for Big Thursday. She will be working in the P1-3 on a Friday too.

Mr Sanderson has come to Holywood to learn all about teaching so Miss Stapleton and I are having to be on our very best teacher behaviour. And we are having to look very organised so that Mr Sanderson picks up our very best teaching habits only!!

It is tricky to get to know people when they are behind masks so we have started our Wake Up Shake Up in the playground.

Looking forward to seeing you guys very soon!

Miss Dale

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