Using Capital Letters!

I have been reading the posts on the blog and they are very interesting. However, it would be great if pupils would read over their work to correct spelling and CAPITAL letters.

Place names

People’s names


At the start of a sentence

PLEASE start putting in your capital letters.

Thank you,

miss dale   🙁         Miss Dale 🙂

Cooking in a Castle

Today in class we tried lots of different meats that would have been eaten by noble men and woman living in castles 500 years ago. We tried rabbit, hare, pheasant, pigeon and deer.

We made flat breads using Jamie Oliver’s recipe…

flat bread recipe

although perhaps a little less salt!

Traditionally flat breads would have been used like a plate except this one could soak up your gravy and you could eat it.

We also tried some fruit chutneys unbelievably these were not as popular as the meats!

Most of the pupils tried out the now rarely eaten foods – pigeon was found to be the favourite.

A big thank you to Mr McKeown for providing the meat for our tasty castle banquet!


Read our latest newsletter and catch up with the Wizard of Oz in our Special Edition Newsletter. All newsletters can be found either in the READ ALL ABOUT US page or in the Special Editions page. You will find these pages listed at the right hand side of your screen.


Miss Dale

Mary Queen Of Scots

Since we came back from the Christmas holiday we have been learning about Mary Queen Of  Scots. We even did a personal project on it, my group did a small play on the execution  of  Mary. People created  posters, models etc. We did not just learn about the execution we learned that when she was 6 days old  she became queen and she was born in 1542, she was married 3 times. She was a widow at 18 and she was cousins with queen Elizabeth of England and she was 5 years old  when she went to France to live . I’m really enjoying this topic.

By Scott

Well done to Holywood!!

Well done to everyone who donated money for Children in Need and for the Disaster Fund – we raised £100 and £50 will go to each charity. I am sure the money will be put to very good use.

Thank you!!

Homework Update

We are currently finishing off the new Maths Workout. This will provide a list of games and resources which can be accessed to practice mental maths skills at home. Maths workout will be focussed around the maths bubble planner that we introduced last session and each pupil will have their own planner which means parents will know exactly what to focus on at home in order to challenge and support with maths homework.

The Big Maths Beat That quiz sheet will be introduced into the back of the book so that parents can see progress and success.

We hope you will give us plenty of feedback to let us know if these new approaches are improving the homework experience for our learners.


The tree house is beginning to take shape in the playground thanks to a small group of determined parents and young farmers. It is brilliant that people are willing to give up family time to support the school in the latest development project – much appreciated.

We hope that pupils will have the opportunity to get up onto the tree house before the snows come!!

Thank you to other families who have stopped by to support!

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