A long overdue catch-up

Hi everyone, hope you are all well!

After spending Christmas and New Year in Sydney, I flew over to Perth (Western Australia). I have been doing a lot of exploring and activities whilst here so far. These include climbing and zip lining from the Matagarup bridge, cycling around Rottenest Island, attending an Aboriginal cultural experience and visiting many beautiful beaches.

I originally worked in a childcare setting for the school holidays. Since the start of February, I have been working in a Secondary school teaching maths as well as relief (supply) across all subjects. For the rest of the term I will also be taking two year 7 digital technology classes too. I have been on year 7 camp in swan valley for a few days doing different activities – similar to your residential.

Once the term is over, I will be continuing my travels. I’m visiting New Zealand in May and hoping to visit all 5 states and 2 territories before my trip ends. I have already visited 3 states so far.

Here are some pictures of Perth and surrounding areas!

Miss McCaskie

(if you have any questions please ask!)

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