Hi today I’m going to talk about writing, in writing we have five targets which are extended sentences, two short sentences, one question, sentence sandwich and minimum 6 sentences.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Hi I am going to talk about math’s. Yesterday in math’s we done math’s assessments. In math’s assessments, I got 25/29 86%. It was really hard it took me 15 to 20 minutes. I am on at level tow, that is the highest math assessment. We have to get over 75% in our math’s assessments.
Today I am going to write about what we have been doing in French!!
We were learning about how to order things in a french café! Here are some words:
la baguette- Baguette
le pain- Bread
le pain grillé- Grilled Bread/Toast
le pain au chocolat- Choccolate bread
le pain au chocolat grillé- Grilled Choccolate bread
du jus d’orange- Orange juice
jus de pomme- Apple Juice
s’il te plaît- Please
merci- Thank you