All About Writing

Hi today I’m going to talk about writing, in writing we have five targets which are extended sentences, two short sentences, one question, sentence sandwich and minimum 6 sentences.


By Tasnim


Hi I am going to talk about math’s. Yesterday in math’s we done math’s assessments. In math’s assessments, I got 25/29 86%. It was really hard it took me 15 to 20 minutes. I am on at level tow, that is the highest math assessment. We have to get over 75% in our math’s assessments.   


French Breakfast


Today I am going to write about what we have been doing in French!!

We were learning about how to order things in a french café! Here are some words:

la baguette- Baguette      Baguette Bread PNG Images Transparent Background | PNG Play

le pain- Bread

le pain grillé- Grilled Bread/Toast

le pain au chocolat- Choccolate breadNutella Toast PNG Transparent Images Free Download | Vector Files | Pngtree

le pain au chocolat grillé- Grilled Choccolate bread

du jus d’orange- Orange juiceApple Juice Png

jus de pomme- Apple Juice

s’il te plaît- Please

merci- Thank you

Thanks For Reading! Sorry this blog was a bit short….

My football

Hi Owen here today I am going to talk about my football training. Yesterday at my football training first we did a fun game where there is a ball, cone, bib on a big cone. Then your couch shouts two of the objects and then who ever is at the front of the line runs and swaps the two things that where shouted. After you have swapped the two objects you run to the end of the pitch and run back. After that game we did a passing drill and every five minutes they put an other ball in until we cant take any more. That is all from me.


My football

Hi Brody here. today I am going to be talking about my football. I have football training with Heston every Monday and Friday. This week we done a few drills and then a mini tournament. Then we done player of the month and I got it!!! this is me with  my trophy.

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