Hi my name is Lewis and today i will be telling you about our new I.D.L .  Our I.D.L is the environment and how we impact the world .  We are finding out about the impact of humans on earth and what the landscape is . we made a  3D design of a landscape.



thanks for listening bye




My trip to New Zealand!!!

Hello today I will be telling you about my trip to New Zealand! I am going to New Zealand in 10 days ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„. Iโ€™m so excited!!๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„We are going to go on lots of adventures around the whole place and we are visiting my uncle!๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„Detailed Political Map of New Zealand - Ezilon Maps

My Learning Last Week On Outdoor Learning Big Thursday

On Big Thursday in Outdoor Learning our class P6/7 made maps on paper of 5 check points of the Beach Woods. We started at the first check point that we wanted to start at on our maps. Then we used the trundle wheels  to measure to each check point and counted up all of the meters to then draw on to our maps in centre meters. We drew out each check point to make it clear where to go through on our map.

     This is mine I loved it.

By Nia

My learning last week

Last week on Thursday for P.E we did Rugby. We went in partners and passed the ball with each other. After that we did capture the ball the people that were defending the ball from. The attacking players had to get the ball and try not to get the tags took of them.  Then we did two match.

by Findlay

FUN 1#

spot the differences there are  3   (hard)



tell me the differences in the comments

maybe something easier?  5 (easy)



this is too easy now! 5 (very easy)




learning visit

Today we had a learning visit . I talked to Mr Wilson about how we assess our learning . I felt nervous . I showed him my learning folder and my writing jotter .

that is it thanks for reading !


This is the picture that won me the competition. I got a gift card for all different shops and online shops and two certificates  one for entering it and one saying well done Miller. and Mena go two and she was so excited  it happened at dun cow it will be on the news paper on the standard bye miller.  

Book Fair

Hi tasnim here today Iโ€™m going to share my poem with you for the book fair.

Hollywood school

School is cool, Muddy, dirty all the time, Nice, kind thoughtful and amazing. everybody is  a team but at some point they will leave .

Big, small doesnโ€™t matter weโ€™re all friends altogether. We never give up on planes of work because  weโ€™ve  got brains. Thatโ€™s how it works.

New buddies joining ever so often to make the team bigger, Confident, creative, learners with big ambitious now thatโ€™s why we are great!Image preview

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