All About our learning

HI is THOMAS!!!!!!! and RUNE!!!!      Today we are going to talk about the skeleton in a adult skeleton there is 206 bones in there body and there  is a the skeleton protects the hart  and lungs wheat is very important and your hert,lungs and brain and the spine is impotent as well other wise you will just be a blob!!! Now we are going to talk about P.E we have  been doing circuits so is like push up and sit ups and lots more    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY     THOMAS!!!!!!!!            RUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.E and The Body

P.E  we  do  a  beep   test. in  P.E  we do a mini marathon.  We do circuits we do 5 or 6 workout. We do a dice circuits. on to the body. This is some of the bones we learnt skull femur pelvis and  stirrup.  did you now  that  baby have 300. Did you  now that adlds have 206 bones? Did you now that kids have 209 bones?


All about writing

Hiya its Alexi and Carlay

Today were talking about our writing, we have been writing about the skeleton our first thing we wrote about was the school show we did charlie and the chocolate factory. When we do writing we look for capital letters , full stops , finger spaces , commas, extramation marks and question marks. I have got green 4 times in a row we allways mark sombody elses work. The more senteses we get wrong we get red the more we get green we get a green. Carlay has got a green 4 times in a row. I have had 6 greens so far. In writing we  have been writing about paper man, boa, peper and others. We have a chart we are all most at the green line. If we get over the green line the pepol that did get a green line we get a sticker but we have never got over the green line but I think that we will sone.

P.e and Writing

In P.E we do circuits  and running around  the hill 10 times.

We do it games .

We do burpees.

We do push ups.

We do sit ups .

We do the bleep test every year and it is tiring.

In writing we are trying to get above the  green line .

We have wrote about a lot like the human body.



All about P.E

Hello this is Claudia and Tayla-Mae and we are going to talk about what we do in P.E!

We have been doing burpees, jumping jacks, bunny hops over a bench, wall sit and v sit hold .

We have been doing these circuits for 45 seconds to one minute.

We also do a mini marathon it is 10, 7 or 5.

We have also have been playing a couple of games like disco tag, exhaustion tag and jungle on fire.

Our Learning

Hello Tom and Daniel here. Today we are going to talk about our learning. We are going to talk about our topic, our maths, our P.E, and our writing! First we are going to about Maths. In maths Tom and Daniel done a maths assessment and we are both on level two. We have not got are score yet. Now we are going to talk about P.E. In P.E we are doing circuits and they are quit hard but fun. Last week when we were doing P.E we done a bleep test and we after when we were doing are circuits we were listing to music it was funny. It is Miss Learmont teaching us P.E and she is a very fun and funny. Now on Writing we do Writing every morning and Miss Pattie marks them and puts them on a graph and we need to get over a green line what is hard. We have wrote  about a dragon, fair ground, our weekend and the human skeleton.  Now on topic our topic is the human body and we have made a human skeleton out of paper. We just started the topic so we have not done much of the topic but we are making a wall of all the stuff about the skeleton.

Howdy             By Daniel And Tom

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