Hiya its Alexi and Carlay
Today were talking about our writing, we have been writing about the skeleton our first thing we wrote about was the school show we did charlie and the chocolate factory. When we do writing we look for capital letters , full stops , finger spaces , commas, extramation marks and question marks. I have got green 4 times in a row we allways mark sombody elses work. The more senteses we get wrong we get red the more we get green we get a green. Carlay has got a green 4 times in a row. I have had 6 greens so far. In writing we have been writing about paper man, boa, peper and others. We have a chart we are all most at the green line. If we get over the green line the pepol that did get a green line we get a sticker but we have never got over the green line but I think that we will sone.