Hi Brody here today I am going to be talking about XXXTENTACION. He is an American rapper.  His real name is Jahseh Dwanye Ricardo Onfroy. He was born on January 23  1998. He has made many albums including 17 and ? .

bye brody

my favourite game

hi my name is  Lewis and today  I will be talking about my favourite game is on Roblox . if you don’t know what Roblox  is it is this game where you can rate or play games. My favourite type is tower defence  my favourite one is five nights td. I love this game, I play it all the time and I just started   a new account which is free to play .  do you play Roblox?  I wont be playing today because it is harry birth day so i will be playing with him because he is epic 
thank you for listening bye  

my weekend

hello Jayda here I am going to tell you about my weekend first I had a power cut then I got bored and went to my nanas house and on the Saturday I saw  Rangers stadium and I went to Greggs and after that I went to Glasgow airport to plane spot that’s all for today bye bye  .

Dog Story

One dark and  mysteries night a young girl climbed out of her bedroom window. escapd from home. tripd landen on her face. she past out. laying on a ston cold floor as a dog daragde her to his  be  continued…….


Cats and Geese BY SEVI AND RUBY!!!

hi Ruby and Sevi here we are going to talk about  are favourite animals they are cats and geese


geese are cute they are lots of trouble  they can be mean  but they are nice I love their beaks  one time  me and my dad went to a pond we  got scared by  one of   the geese   because it  was right at my feet. 

Cat PNG transparent image download, size: 2257x2010px


Cats are awesome they are my favourite animal because they make cute noises and they are super snuggly I have two cats at my house called Chola and Leon my family has loads of cats now you should get a cat too!




On Saturday I had a football training we did 100 one touch pass and 50 two touch.  After that we did a passing in a square with one person in the middle. Then we played a match. After that  me and  my dad went to the golf range we got 50 balls each I hit a ball 150 I Really enjoyed it a lot after that we went shopping then we went home .

by Findlay

The Humongous stormmmmmm!!!😭😱😱

Hello it is McKenna and Nancy and we will be talking about the humongous storm last Friday! My greenhouse got destroyed. 😭😭😭. My shed crumbled😭

We all stayed off school and I went outside and nearly got blown away!!!🙀🙀!!

My Dad saw man building a shed and during the storm it got destroyed and half of it blown away!!


Harry’s birthday

Its Harry’s birthday today. First thing after school we are going to play in the village we might go to the shop while we are at it then we are going to McDonalds and also picking Tumaini up from McDonalds. Then we are going to a rock climbing place for an hour or so. When I get back home watching high school musical the musical the series. Then I will go to bed and sleep. when Olly has left I am probably going to do my ponies then I am going to play fortnite with the goat Lewis we will gift me cuz Its my birthday.



By Harry and Olly





Btw my cat threw up on her bed


ew up on Tumainis bed she looks like this


All About Fortnite

All about Fortnite. There where lots of different seasons and chapters. Fortnite was made 2017 that was chapter 1 season 1. In Fortnite if you get a win this photo will pop up on your screen.

football training

hi I am going to talk about football training. At football training we did shooting. I have got better at shooting from far away and power on my shots. I play for Queen of the south. I have training on Wednesday and Friday. .Queen of the South unveil signings - DNG Online LimitedQueen of the South - Preview - Dundee Football Club - Official Website

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