First we walking around the hill.
Then we did spellin.
Then we do maths.
Then we go to lunch.
Then we went to break.
Then we go to French.
After French we do bodies.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Then we did spellin.
Hi its Carlay and Emily.
We are going to talk about our learning about Hinduism. We drew pictures of the gods and godesses and the Hindu symbol. The gods and godesses are called Shiva , Bramah, Vishnu , Genesha, Hanaman and other gods.
We watched a video of a story called Rama and Sita, it was a grate story. We rote facts about Hinduism .
Hi it’s Daniel and Thomas here on are IDL. We have been learning about Hinduism and today we are on a new topic now about the body. Now about Hinduism in topic. We have been making fact files. Daniel done it about Hanuman that is a monkey god and this is a picture of him. Funny fact time this is a fact about Hanuman, Hanuman is the commander of the monkey army!
Now about Shiva. Thomas made a fact file about Shiva another god of Hinduism. Funny fact time, Shiva is the creator of yoga. And the one below is Shiva.