my dog

hi ruby hear I will be talking about my dog he is ginger he is  1 year old

My birthday

On my birthday i am going to a rock climbing with Olly and on the weekend i am going to a go karting.  For my presents i don’t overly know what i’m getting.


Hi Tasnim here I’m going to talk about maths, in maths today we were planning a trip to Glasgow for two people by train the two people have young scot cards there budget is £150 we have to plan them a place for lunch and a couple of places for activities that’s it from me goodbye


Football on Saturday

On Saturday I played football with my team. We played against uppers I was in defence the first half I was CB uppers scored one goal  a bit after that they were through on goal but I slide tackle them and won the ball.  Next half I was RB 10 minutes later we scored again and again and again and again just then uppers scored again.

by Findlay

celtic game

hi to day I am going to tell you about Celtic game. On Saturday I went to the Celtic game. Celtic played against kirmanock. we won 2;1 CALLAM MCGREGOR scored and MEADA

IDL topic

Have a guess about what my blog will be about. Yes, you guessed it, the human body! Duhhhhh. We have just started this topic today and we are starting off with the skeleton. A Kahoot testing our knowledge about the skeleton started off the class. There are 207 bones in your body and 7 bones in your neck. Your toes and feet bones are the strongest bones in your body and the collarbone in the bone that is most easiest bone to break.  


bye M

Potassium guide for newbies even though I have none

Welcome to your guide to potassium.

Essential: my mom told me that police would come over for some elements including potassium but it could have a dream Id say 50/50. If your throwing some in water be careful because potassium is explosive to water and even reacts to air lightly.

Anyways time to have fun with your potassium here are some things to try

Squish it   Explode some  Mould it  bow down to it  mix it with others elements like sodium chlorine and other stuff

Anyways have fun also if I can make another it would be gallium byeee.

Our learning by Tayla – Mae and Daisie

Hi it is Daisie and Tayla - Mae here. In the Hinduism topic 
we where writing 7 facts about gods and goddesses. Here are 
some gods there is Shiva , Kiva ,Ganesha and Brahman. Everyday
we do writing for 15 minutes. Today we done it about a little 
robot. Here is a link to the video-

All About Our Learning

Hello, today Tom and Rune are going to talk about our learning. Today we are going to talk about Maths, Writing, stem, big Thursday and our old topic. In maths Tom is going to talk about what he’s doing and then Rune is going to talk about his learning in maths. In Tom’s maths at the start we do a questions on our boards and it is fun! By the way that is not everything that we do. This is what Rune does. In maths Rune does, board games, sumdog, topmarks and questions on the board in our classroom they do dividing! Now we are talking about our old topic Hinduism. Tom and Rune both done our Hinduism god on Shiva. There are multiple gods and goddesses this is a photo –







Fun Facts Shiva is the creator of yoga and he is also the best dancer in the world. Our new Topic is human body.

Big Thursday- in big Thursday we do STEM, computer science, P.E and Art. It changes every term but the teachers switch sometimes. In STEM we do science that is what we mainly do like experiments. The experiments that we have done are what sink’s or floats in water and tension so we have a weight and we weigh different items to see if they stretch or not. Now we are going to talk about P.E. In P.E we do fitness and we do circuits of different exercises such as Plank, Burpees,  Jumping jacks and stuff like that. We do a warm up like a game of tag. In art we are working on shading. In computer science we work with robots. In writing we do a daily writing every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

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