Hi I am going to talk about the school show . In the school show I was Narrator 2 and I not telling narrator ones name, sorry. This is a picture of me and the other person. I was very tired I wasn’t feeling well. It was alright thow and after I slept for ages
The show!
School Show
Hi it is Owen and Findlay we are going to talk about the school show. (Findlay)The school show went really well I enjoyed doing the show. My roles were a Squirrel on both of the shows but on the show on Monday I was a tech guy. We did the show on Tuesday and Monday at lunch time and at night time. For the show we did Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is my last show ever at Holywood.
(Owen) On Tuesday last week the show went good but it felt like it took ages. I was a tech guy in the show. It was fun to do. My mum came and my dad as well.
Charlie and the chocolate factory REVIEW! >:3
Hey guys Sam here today I’m going to be talking about the school show.
Here is my REWIEW: In the practise we did pretty bad and I was worried the show would be terrible. It was not terrible though somehow this is in my top 3 favourites!
What needed work on. Even though it was good we needed to work on not getting ill and since we got ill we had replacements and they just needed to be more dramatic but that’s all really.
So that’s all really bye guys
Holywood School Show
Hi its Nancy, today I will be talking about our school show.
In our School show we did Charlie and the chocolate factory, I was Veruca salt and it was fun because I got to be all spoiled and brattish. In my opinion the second show was the worst because people kept forgetting their lines and I think the first and last ones were the best but on the last one people had to fill in for people who were off sick. The second and third show were supposed to be on the Wednesday after the first one that was on the Tuesday but too many people were off sick so we had to postpone it so we did it the following Monday. This school show was my last one at Holywood ever . I enjoyed being a speaking part but I also enjoyed the acting parts as well. I am glad we chose Charlie and the chocolate factory because it is my favourite Roald Dahl book and I really enjoyed doing it as a play at school.
Thank you for reading