all about boicca.

In boicca the lady gives us red and blue balls an we sat on to benchis the red team sat on one bensh  and the blue team sat on one bensh then she  put two hoops in front of each bench then we hade to try and roll the ball in to the hoops  who ever has the most balls in the hoops at the end they win.

I  will show you pictures of what we did.


Music with grant

A man came in to p4-5 on Monday he was doing games first he made us introduce our selfs so we went in a circle and said our names next we  sang Jimmy lost his jaurie after we sang cobbler cobbler  then he played the guitar he made us do beats then he copied it on the guitar after we play don’t clap this one back voice

in maths we are doing times tables it is nine tables.

I have been   counting money ten pound money .

I have been Timing in my self saying words.

I love maths it is the best.



i am talking about maths

all about Boccia

Hi in class P4/5 we have played  Boccia. In P.E and it was fun! Boccia is a game is where you roll a jack which is a white ball, there are two different teams and the colours are red and blue it is a games which people with disabilities cause you just roll or throw balls to get closer to the jack 

this is us playing Boccia

My Learning

music – we    are     learning    a ll    about music             1                                                                           In Maths              we      do               times   tables  2

Topic – We learn about force.3

PE – In PE we play tennis.4

On Big Thursday we do outdoor learning, I made a Sabre tooth tiger. 5

Target setting – On target setting we were writing about what we want to do  6 before February.

Blog – We blog because we need to show our learning. 7

Business Groups – I helped the community group to plant daffodils.   8

Gathering – At gathering we all gather around and people make stuff to show      the school. I made a sheep!  9                                                                                                                    Thank you very much for reading my blog    10

Building School Cartoon Free Transparent Image HQ Clipartbyeeeeeeeeeee

My Learning

Hi today i am will be talking about my learning. First, I am talking about maths,  I am working on my 8 times tables and I can do them up to twelve. I am quite good at my 9  times tables and I am doing rounding. Next, literacy! In literacy we have been reading Charlotte’s Web. We have read all of the chapters up to chapter eleven. We are making a story board and we just need to finish them. Spelling – in spelling I am spelling word list 18. I am trying to move up a spelling word list.  P.E, in P.E we are doing tennis we have been working on our aiming, hitting, looking and  catching we have been playing some games too. Finally, I will be talking about music, in P 4-5 we have been doing Ram Tam and it is a thing when you do music it is like feis rois and they took  a harmonica with them.What Kind of Harmonica Should I Buy? - General Harmonica - HOHNER ...


That’s all for today bye bye

my learning.

Hi its Daniel here today i’m going to talk about what I’ve done the last week.  I‘m going to talk about my storyboard that I made on Charlotte’s web and music on Monday.  If you don’t know what a storyboard is it is where you can do it on a book or a movie or more that I can’t think of something that just has a story to it so your gonna get a piece of A3 paper write your title and split the A3 into 8 boxes and put a bit where you can write and then you are gonna write what happend and then draw it in the box. On Mondays now we have a music person coming in and we are doing music stuff with him and it is called ram tam and this Monday he came in with a guitar and a harmonica and he is really good at playing the guitar.  


Our learning

Hi is Thomas and run today we are toking about our learning we have bean doing we have bean doing maths in maths in maths we have bean doing 9 times table and we have bean doing sumdog. and we have bean doing splat and buzz and think that buzz is beater than splat and we have bean doing a sheet of times table and Now we are on to P.E we have bean doing tennis and is bean relay fun and in P.E we have bean learning skills like how to hit the ball and how to serve the ball and it was relay fun. and and we have bean doing Ram tam   and that is the same as music and music is very fun. and we have bean doing Charlotte’s web won is a moves  and there  it is a book as well   but I thence that that the book is beater we have bean righting about chariot’s web and it was fun  . and we have bean doing Drama and Drama is very fun wen we do move. and we have bean doing Forces Forces means that wen you jumps the gravity putsch you down from the sky. now weer at righting.

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