My Delicious Fruit Kebab


I made a fruit kebab with all my favourite fruits.

My fruit kebab has strawberries, kiwi. satsuma, banana,  blueberries and red apple.


This is delicious!

By Nathan

My business group

hello Grace here I am going to talk about business groups what is a business group it a group of children that do different things for the school and community I am in community helping hands  it is a group that helps people in the village maintain there house and garden our groups change every year bye now

all about my learning

I learning more healthy food and nutritious like starch fats and oils proteins and fibre. Then I done a poster about it in p6/7.

In PE we are doing tennis and we are going to play games against  one a over in a match. Then we do art and photography and we tack a photo on a camera.

Then we done drama about Olympics and the sports in it.

Then we do outdoor skills and make hot chocolate.

all about my p6/7 year

in p6/7 we have been learnings  about lots like

in maths we   are learning  about division  and we are doing this thing were you have to do adding and takeaway and wen you find the answer you tape it to   make a triangle

and in French we are leaning   wots in your pencil case it is fun

and on Friday we do wider achievement  if your wondering what that is I will explain so basically you can put some thing your prod  of  in it  and on Friday you get called up wen it gets pulled oat  of the box  then you tell everybody  about  it  like if you  like swimming  or a droning you do  or like me if you do a club  and you make  some thing like a top like me . by ruby

my learning in 6/7

in p6/7 we have been learning about lots like

in maths we have been doing maths pyramid we did it in partner and my partner was Reece  and me and him are almost done the pyramid it was hard but we are almost there. for our topic we half been doing healthy eating and we half made fruit hedgehog and we put grapes strawberries  blue berries and the body was an orange and we made posters and the day before we research

all about my learning

I have been learning about being healthy and eating healthy. We made posters about being healthy and I put a food table about all the nutrients and also how much water you have to drink your supposed  to drink 6-8 cups of water  day and each cup should be 150ml.

All the different types of nutrients are :






I also put a did you know it was did you know that a banana is a berry but a strawberry isn’t.


In P.E we were doing tennis and for practise we have been doing games such as going round the hoop to keep control of the ball with the racket, passing to our partner with the racket and they catch it and other stuff like that.

In drama we have focused on Olympic sports and we are acting them out and the class has to guess what we are doing.

in outdoor skills we have  been doing fire to heat up water to boil and made hot chocolate with it and it was quite good I added 5 or 6 scoops of the powder.

In  art we have been doing photography and taking pictures putting them on the computer. I edited one and I got a super cool picture that looks like I am escaping a volcano.

Our learning at school

Hi I am Owen! Today I am going to talk about our learning in P6. On Thursday we got put in our business groups and I am in VVA group and in that group we have to decorate the Cora door. In my group there are 5 people me and Brody, Mena, Daisie and Talia. On Monday we started making healthy posters this is my one!                                                                Over here

Bye 😉  🙂 🙂

my learning at Holywood

hi i am Brody and today i am going to talk about my learning. on Monday we made being healthy posters. on Friday we got put in our business groups i am in the visions values and aims group with Owen , Mena , Daisie and Talia.

this is my poster


that is all today bye 🙂 🙂 😉

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