photos that mister walwer taght us

Hello everyone.  on Thursday we were doing photos with mister walker. And from that I have learned how to tack a memory card out and put it back in, I have also learned how to how to up load photos on to the computers, and lots more. I took a really nice picker of Mena.

all about forces

Hi there Ruby here  i am  going to tell you about forces .

In class  we are learning about forces  we knew  two  of them  push and pull  we drew pictures  i will show you at the end  and . We learned about  Isaac newton  and way  he asked him self way things fall

Our learning in P6/7

Hi Owen here. On big Thursday we were doing photography and this is one of the photos I took. On Monday we started our new topic and it is Forces. The first thing we did after was think what a force is and how a force is made. After that we watched small video about it. And then we drew a picture of a Force.

That is all from me bye 🙂 🙂

all about forces

Hi today i am going to talk about forces. They can cause something to change direction or speed. Isaac newton always wondered what makes forces. Once he was sitting under an apple tree then he asked him self why things fall. Then  he tried throwing it up but it just fell back to him. This is because of Gravity. Thanks for listening bye bye





Bike Ability

HI its Nancy today I am going to be talking about bike ability

So the P7s are doing bike ability nearly every Friday for a couple of weeks. It teaches us how to cycle on the roads and it is really fun. A cycle instructor comes in and we do games that help us learn signs and stuff we need to know to cycle on the roads. We have to bring our bikes in and the instructor teaches us how to lay our bikes down safely, how to adjust our helmets, how to do the M check and what to wear when cycling.

Thank you for Reading

Bye Bye by Nancy

PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!!!!!!!

Hi it is Findlay I am going to blog about Photography.  For art we are doing photography we  take photos of different things like plants , people , trees, animals. It is really fun. After that we edit the photos. We took photos of different things here are some of my photos I took.


Theses are the photos I took.  I like most these ones the most .  By Findlay

bike ability

Hello its Jayda and I’m going to tell you about bike ability.

Bike ability is about road safety, how to fix a bike and bike checks. We done laps around the hard surface we also done stuff with cones there was this one game where the instructor Dave had a red and green cone we had to look around our shoulder and say the colour. We done lots of games.

that’s all Jayda thanks for reading .


hello today I’m going to talking about my learning in P4/5. first. we do a speech in front of the class and we make it our self on power point or sway normally and this term we have to do it about someone you inspire or someone that inspire and I doing a speech about Cavan Johnston my Granddad and he is a farmer and when I go there I love farming there.




Hello Brody here and today I am going to be talking about photography. On big Thursday we do photography. Last week we took some portraits and them edited them. this is one of mine. Then we took some pictures of nature                                                                                                                                          this one of mine




that’s all today bye 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

Wider Achievement at Gathering

This week we had Wider Achievement in the box which included:

Painting with Dad

Drawing detailed mini beasts

Skills on our bicycle

Leading a horse at the show

Teaching a younger pupil to ride a bike!

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